In this issue… Contributors
Carol Walker Gayle is the Toronto, Ontario Supervisor of Forest Policy & Standards with the Urban Forestry Branch of the Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Division. She has worked for the City of Toronto for 23 years and holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry degree from the University of Toronto.
Bill Haws is the Forestry Administrator for the City of Savannah Park & Tree Department and has practiced urban for- estry in beautiful and historic Savannah, Georgia since 1994.
Dick Rideout is the Wisconsin State Urban Forestry Coordinator. He has 33 years of experience in arboriculture and urban forestry and is a proud rider and supporter of The TREE Fund’s Tour des Trees.
David Sivyer is Forestry Services Manager for the City of Milwaukee. Prior to joining Milwaukee, David served as City Forester for the City of Norfolk, City Arborist for the City of Virginia Beach, Urban Forester for the Virginia Department of Forestry, and Urban Forester for the Texas Forest Service. David is the co-chair of the City Trees Editorial Review Committee.
Kimberly Kujoth is the Environmental Policy Analyst for the City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works - Operations Division and works to improve and pro- mote urban tree canopy awareness.
Want to write for City Trees?
Send an e-mail to City Trees Editor Michelle Sutton at:
and request the Writer’s Guidelines.
City Trees is the journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists, and is published bimonthly. The SMA is a Professional
Affiliate of the ISA.
President: Doug Still, Providence, RI
Vice President:
John McNeil, Oakville ON Past President:
Gene Hyde, Chattanooga TN
Executive Director: Jerri J. LaHaie, CAE P.O. Box 641 Watkinsville, GA 30677 Phone: (706) 769-7412 Fax: (706) 769-7307
Executive Board: 2012 Tami Sadonoja, Hamilton ON 2012 David Sivyer, Milwaukee WI 2011 Nick Kuhn, Jefferson MO 2011 Chris Pargoff, Livonia MI 2011 Henry Wallace, Charlotte NC
ISA Representative: Bob Benjamin, Lombard IL
City Trees Editorial Review Committee
Co-Chair: David Sivyer, Milwaukee WI Co-Chair: Jeff Shimonski, Miami FL Melinda Adams, Fort Worth TX Steve Cothrel, Upper Arlington OH Owen Croy, Surrey BC Tami Sadonoja, Hamilton ON Steve Shurtz, Baton Rouge LA Julie Lafferty, Boise ID
SMA Web Site:
Subscription Inquiries: or call: (217) 355-9411 (press 3 for membership) Story Ideas/Editorial Inquiries: Contact City Trees Editor Michelle Sutton for Writer’s Guidelines before sending submisions.
Advertising Rates & Calendar: Michelle Sutton, (845) 834-2779
Advertising Billing: Jerri LaHaie, (706) 769-7412
No endorsement or any statement of claims in advertisements or articles is assumed by City Trees, the editorial staff, the Society of Municipal Arborists, or its offi- cers and members. The use of trade, firm, corporation, vendor, or proprietary product name is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an evaluation, conclu- sion, recommendation, endorse- ment, or approval of any products or service to the exclusion of others. Photos and art used in City Trees are copyright to their respective owners and are repro- duced in City Trees for illustrative purposes only. 7