Issue link: GOOD FRUIT GROWER OCTOBER 2014 39 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) 1. Title of Publication: Good Fruit Grower. 2. Publication No. 575-880. 3. Date of filing: September 9, 2014. 4. Frequency of issue: Twice monthly January through May, monthly June through December. 5. Number of issues published annually: 17. 6. Annual subscription price: U.S. subscribers $35.00; Canadian subscribers $55.00; Other foreign subscribers $100.00; Washington growers paying assessments $2.00. 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 S. 18th St., Ste. 205, Yakima, WA 98901. 8. Complete mailing address of headquarters or general business office of publisher: Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 S. 18th St., Ste. 205, Yakima, WA 98901. 9. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Publisher, Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 S. 18th St., Ste. 205, Yakima, WA 98901; Editor: Geraldine Warner, 2900 Euclid Ave., Wenatchee, WA 98801; Managing Editor, Casey Corr, 105 S. 18th St., Ste. 217, Yakima, WA 98901. 10. Owner: Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 S. 18th St., Ste. 205, Yakima, WA 98901. 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: None. 12. Tax status (the pur pose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes): Has not changed during preceding 12 months. 13. Publication title: Good Fruit Grower. 14. Issue date for circulation data: September 1, 2014 15. Extent and nature of circulation. A. Total no. copies printed (net press run): *11,825 and **11,273 B. Paid and/or requested circulation: (1) Paid/ requested outside- county mail subscriptions: *8,314 and **8,112; (2) Paid in-county mail subscriptions: *0 and **0; (3) Sales through dealers: *205 and **204; (4) Other classes mailed through USPS: *266 and **276 C. Total paid and/or requested circulation: *8,785 and **8,592. D. Free distribution by mail: (1) Outside-county: *2,721 and **2,384; (2) In-county: *0 and **0; (3) Other classes mailed through USPS: *0 and **0; (4) Outside the mail, carriers or other means: *299 and **277. E. Total free distribution: *3,020 and **2,661. F. Total distribution: *11,805 and **11,253. G. Copies not distributed: *20 and **20. H. Total: *11,825 and **11,273. I. Percent paid and/or requested circulation *74% and **76%. 16. Publication of Statement of Ownership will be printed in the October 1, 2014 issue of this publication. *Average no. copies each issue during preceding 12 months. **No. copies of single issue nearest to filing date. I certify that the statements made by me above are true and complete. O. Casey Corr, Managing Editor 10500 Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, CA 94513 800.634.1671 or 925.634.2191 (Alison Clegg or Richard Chavez) 877.457.6901 (Henry Sanguinetti) tBanning Red Fuji (USPP 16,624 P2) tBeni Shogun (USPP 7997) tBlondee ™ (USPP 19,007 McLaughlin cv) tBrookfield ® Gala (USPP 10,016) tBuckeye ® Gala (USPP 10,840) t$ISJTPMZO ® (USPP 21,300) t$SJNTPO(PME$SBC tDandee Red ® (USPP 16,620) t'SFUUJOHIBN$SBC tGolden Delicious tGranny Smith t)JMXFMM#SBFCVSO (USPP 7526) tHoneycrisp ™ (USPP 7197) t*OEJBO4VNNFS$SBC t+PCVSO ™ #SBFCVSO (USPP 11,992) tJonaStar JonaGold ™ (USPP 20,590) tLindaMac ® (USPP 12,900) t.BODIVSJBO$SBC tMidnight Red Spur ™ (serial 74/458, 730) tPacific Gala ® (USPP 9681) t1FBSMFBG$SBC tRising Sun Fuji ® t3VCZ+PO ® (USPP 10,115) t3VCZ.BD ® (USPP 19,891) tSchlect Spur Delicious ™ t4FQUFNCFS8POEFS ™ Fuji (USPP 11,193) t4JNQTPO$SBC t4OPXESJGU$SBC tTorres Fuji ™ (USPP applied for) tUltima ™ Gala (USPP 13,753 P2) tZestar! ™ (USPP 11,367) Available on B-118, BUD-9, EMLA-7, EMLA-26, EMLA-106, EMLA-111, G-30, M-9 (T-337), NIC ® -29, or Supporter 4. APPLES $)&33*&4 MEMBER OF t $PSBM$IBNQBHOF"WBJMBCMF/PXGPS t#FOUPO ™ t#JOH t#MBDL5BSU t#MBDL1FBSM ® t#SPPLT ™ t#VSHVOEZ1FBSM ® t$IFMBO ™ t$SJTUBMJOB ™ t&CPOZ1FBSM ® t-BQJOT t3BEJBODF1FBSM ® t3BJOJFS t4FMBI ™ t4LFFOB ™ t4XFFUIFBSU ™ t5VMBSF ™ t7BOT Available on Colt, Gisela ® , Krymsk ® , Mahaleb, or Mazzard.* *Not all varieties are available on all rootstocks. Call for specific grafting information. We love what we do, and you make it possible! 5)"/, YOU to all of our loyal customers who come back to us year after year. At ProTree Nursery, LLC, we are dedicated to providing the best selection of apple and cherry trees, grafted on the heartiest rootstocks to our customers. If you're MPPLJOHGPSBWBSJFUZZPVDBOUmOEBOZXIFSFFMTF DBMM1SP5SFF/VSTFSZ--$UPEBZ …those are just a few of the words XFVTFUPEFTDSJCFPVSDVTUPNFST SUPER! FANTASTIC! WONDERFUL! AWESOME! VALUABLE! OCTOBER October 7–9 Specialty Crop School–Salinas Valley for agri-business professionals and suppliers, Watsonville, California. Complete course topics and registration information at October 9 Latino Health Forum, Seattle. For information, e-mail Sarah Doty at sarahdoty@ October 17-19 PMA Fresh Summit, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, www.pma. com/events/fresh-summit/2014. October 29 "The Hows and Whys of Soil Testing" presented by Dr. Joan Davenport, 3 to 4 p.m. at Washington State University's Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, Wenatchee, Washington, with live broadcast to WSU's Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser. For information, contact Des Layne at NOVEMBER November 4–6 Practical Food Safety and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), The Riverside Hotel, Boise, Idaho. For registration information, contact Paula Peterman at (208) 364-6188 or November 7–9 Re-Imagine Agriculture, Tilth Producers of Washington annual conference, Vancouver, Washington. For information, go to conference-2/, call (206) 632-7506 or e-mail November 13–14 Northwest Cherry Research Review, Best Western Hood River Inn, Hood River, Oregon. For information, contact Kathy Coffey at, (509) 665-8271, ext. 2. November 13–14 Washington State Grape Society Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Church of the Nazarene, Grandview, Washington. For information, go to November 17–18 Sustainable Ag Expo, Madonna Inn Expo Center, San Luis Obispo, California. For information call (805) 466-2288 or go to November 19–20 Irrigation Show, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona. For details, email or go to November 20–22 Interpoma, international trade show for apple cultivation, storage, and marketing, Fiera Bolzano Exhibition Center, Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. For information, go to November 25 Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, Stone Fruit Research Review, WSU's Center for Precision and Automated Agriculture Systems, Prosser, Washington. For information, contact Kathy Coffey at, (509) 665- 8271, ext. 2. DECEMBER December 1-3 Washington State Horticultural Association 110th Annual Meeting & Northwest Hort Expo, Three Rivers Convention Center, Kennewick, Washington. Theme: "With New Discoveries and New Truths, We Advance." For information, contact Dawn Milne at (509) 784-0357, email or Angie Fiscus at (509) 728-0010, email GOOD TO GO For a complete listing of upcoming events, check the Calendar at Large crop on Interpoma agenda E urope's record apple crop and Russia's ban on European imports will be on the agenda at Interpoma, a biennial congress and trade fair scheduled for November 20 to 22 in Bolzano, Italy. Europe's 2014 apple crop was estimated at 12 million tons, a 9 percent increase over the previous year and the largest crop in a decade. The Interpoma congress, "The Apple in the World," will analyze supply and demand trends and new trade flows in the apple sector. Kurt Werth, congress organizer, said the 2014 season promises to be complex because of an overproduction of apples in most European countries except France, a carryover from the 2013 season, and the measures taken by Russia against European countries. For more information check the website December 3 Orchard Soil Management Seminar on "Roots," Kennewick, Washington. For infor- mation, e-mail David Granatstein at December 8 GRASP (Growers Response to Agricultural Safe & Sustainable Practices) Global GAP, SQF training card day, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wenatchee Convention Center, Wenatchee, Washington. For registration, call (509) 665-9641 or email December 9–11 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo, DeVos Place Convention Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan. For information, go to December 10 Orchard Soil Management Seminar on "Building Soils for Better Crops," Moses Lake, Washington. For information, e-mail David Granatstein at