Issue link: GOOD FRUIT GROWER NOVEMBER 2014 45 Two-row tower sprayer V ineTech Equipment of Prosser, Washington, is sell- ing the two-row Quantum Mist Orchard Tower from Croplands. The sprayer is designed to give excellent cov- erage in high-density orchards. The row width is hydrau- lically adjustable and folding booms make for easy transition to different blocks, according to information from VineTech. In-cab adjustment of fan speed allows the operator to match the air speed to the tree canopy. A GPS spray-rate controller with push-button row-width spray-rate adjustment is optional. For more information contact Grant De Vries at Vine- Tech Equipment at (509) 788-0900 or check the website at Bleyhl marks half century B leyhl Farm Service Inc., based in Grandview, Wash- ington, marks its 50th anniversary this year following a record $81 million in sales last year in its retail, petro- leum, and agronomy divisions. The cooperative was founded by 237 farmers who each chipped in a dollar. Today, the company has more than 1,000 members, 135 employees, and service loca- tions in Pasco, Grandview, Sunnyside, Toppenish, and Zillah. Its service area extends through central Washing- ton and eastern Oregon. The cooperative recently added a salesman to its retail division to extend service to the Wenatchee area and north to the Canadian border. It also plans to purchase land to build a larger store in Pasco. Bleyhl's general manager Greg Robertson, only the third manager in the business's history, will retire in 2016. Ammonia-free CA A new six-room, controlled-atmosphere storage facil- ity at Valicoff Fruit Company in Wapato, Wash- ington, employs the ammonia-free Hycool Secondary Refrigeration System (SRS) developed by the Scandina- vian company Frigadon. The Hycool SRS uses nontoxic heat transfer fluids as the primary coolant, eliminating the hazards of a tradi- tional ammonia system and reducing insurance costs. A centrally located mechanical unit can serve several CA buildings, reducing operation and maintenance costs. Auvil Fruit Company at Orondo, Washington, also operates cold storage facilities using this system, according to a press release from Frigadon. A selection of the latest products and services for tree fruit and grape growers. GOOD STUFF Frigadon's Hycool SRS