Cultured Magazine

Winter 2014

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Susan Ainsworth and Sarah Harrelson 120 CULTURED On Tuesday, September 30, Cultured joined Design Miami at the chic Hotel Americano in New York City to celebrate Peter Marino. Not only did the architect grace the magazine's Fall cover, but he was honored with Design Miami's inaugural Visionary Award, which will be presented to him at the fair this month. Hotel Americano The intimate setting at Hotel Americano PHOTOS BY MADISON MCGAW/BFANYC.COM Rodman Primack and Nadine Johnson Karine Laval and Monika Condrea Phoebe Stevens The view from the rooftop of Hotel Americano Waris Ahluwalia and Peter Marino José Parlá and Laila Gohar Linda Yablonsky, Peter Marino and Silvia Cubiñá Andrea Franchini Y.Z. Kami Sarah Hoover Tom Sachs Carter Cleveland and Rachel Hovnanian

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