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42 DECEMBER 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER Jerry Haak worked to help the fruit industry and the community at large. by Geraldine Warner I f Jerry Haak had lived until retirement age, he undoubtedly would have won accolades for his contributions to the tree fruit industry, to his com- munity in Sunnyside, Washington, and to the world at large. But he died last December at age 50. Steve Zediker, a friend, neighbor, and outgoing pres- ident of the Washington State Horticultural Association, will honor Haak posthumously with the association's Silver Apple Award during the annual meeting banquet on December 2. Haak was only 19 when he was diagnosed with anky- losing spondylitis, a severe form of arthritis that affects the joints and the eyes. Doctors predicted he would be wheelchair bound by the age of 35, but he continued to walk throughout his life, albeit with difficulty. Friends say that, far from being discouraged by his disabilities, Haak seemed to be motivated by them. He had a passion for growing fruit and finding better ways to do it. He used cutting-edge techniques not only to increase his yields, but to produce higher quality fruit and use labor more efficiently. "He was willing to challenge the paradigms we had in this industry," said Zediker, noting that Haak's physical limitations did not interfere with his ability to accom- plish his goals and might even have enhanced it. Whereas other growers might be busy out in the orchard all day, Haak was forced to spend some of the time sitting at his desk, where he had time to reflect, dream up big plans, and figure out how to empower the people around him. Haak suffered severe pain and had numerous sur- geries, including hip and knee replacements. He had autoimmune problems because of all the medications he was taking and died on Christmas Day, 2013, after contracting valley fever (coccidioidomycosis). "I think he knew that his body was going to wear out on him, so I'm thinking he had set certain goals in life he wanted to achieve," Zediker said. "Some people might say, 'I want to achieve that by the time I retire at 65,' but Silver Apple Award Jerry Haak, 1962-2013 Hort honors Haak PHOTO BY TJ MULLINAX Jerry Haak, who died in December 2013, is this year's recipient of the Washington State Horticultural Association's Silver Apple Award. - Rozol paraffi nized pellets are ideal for wet conditions. - For use after Fall harvest, and before new Spring growth. - Perfect for use during snow melt-offs. Voles gnaw on tree trunks and roots (girdling) causing GLVUXSWLRQRIWKHWUHH¶VÀRZRIQXWULHQWVDQGZDWHU OUTSTANDING VOLE CONTROL Learn More Protect Your Orchard Ph: 888-331-7900 • Meadow vole. High-Density Orchards Require Intensive Vole Management with