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94 DECEMBER 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER Q: What has been your greatest challenge? I think the toughest years for me personally were the back- to-back years of 2008 and 2009. We went from having a really big crop in 2008, that had more quality issues, to having a really small crop in 2009, that was very good quality, but we didn't have the volume. Both situations caught us off guard. We ended up having to adjust our packing plans. It was tough on our ware- house team, yet we ended up getting a lot closer as a result of that. Q: What's the future of club varieties? I think club varieties are here to stay, though the name might change from club to branded. What's more important is not who's in the club but how the consumer perceives it. Consum- ers are indicating that they value brands of certain apples more than they do the commodity apples. I think the lesson for anybody that's looking at planting those club varieties, or those brands, is you have to pick the right one. Q: How important is HMZIVWM½GEXMSR# I need to be diversifi ed because I need to have a labor pool that stays busy year-round. When we have to lay off workers, because we are all done with thinning, or all done with training, or all done with pruning — we lose that labor source for awhile. Q: What would you say to the next young growers? If I were them right now I'd be so excited to be looking at the fruit business. The industry is changing so much I think it's a huge opportunity for someone young with a fresh perspective. Read the entire interview at Sean Gilbert grower / Yakima, Washington " " " " PLAY scan to watch the interview age / 34 crops / Apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines and wine grapes title / General manager business / Gilbert Orchards education / Pomona College photo & video by TJ Mullinax LAST BITE See other Young Growers at