Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/440561
This article is the third in a six-part series that will detail each of the 11 sections of the ANSI/NGWA Water Well Construction Standard. A ny person actively involved in the groundwater industry should fully understand the importance of proper grouting and sealing as it re- lates to the protection of groundwater. It is important in the sense the poten- tial for surface contamination needs to be identified and remedied. But even more so, grouting should be identified and implemented in many situations as a way to eliminate the transfer of poor water quality in different formations and hydrologic conditions within the same well. It's imperative during the well con- struction process that local and regional geology be fully understood and re- spected. All wells should be constructed in a manner keeping local or regional subsurface conditions in mind. Repair- ing the damage to the formation caused by the process should be adequately addressed with each new well design and completion. Equally important is proper decom- missioning or abandoning of existing wells with this same ideology. With neg- ative press being given to the drilling industry at a time when it comes to hydraulic fracturing on oil and gas oper- ations, it is incumbent on everyone involved in our industry to do their absolute best to mitigate any potential for failure. As is true with locating any water well, it is imperative all site-specific cri- teria, as they relate to proper grouting and placement, are fully understood and adhered to. The specific challenges that were faced while working on this partic- ular section of the Water Well Construc- tion Standard are all related to those site-specific conditions, including local Go to the NGWA Bookstore to purchase your copy of the ANSI/NGWA-01-14 Water Well Construction Standard. It encompasses municipal, residential, agricultural, monitoring, and industrial water production wells. Topics covered include: well site selection; casing and casing installation; well screens, filter pack, and formation stabilizer; grouting; plumbness and alignment; well development; testing for performance; data recording; disinfection with chlorine; water sampling and analysis; and permanent well and test-hole decommissioning. Go to the bookstore at www.NGWA.org. Section 4 (Grouting) By Todd E. Hunter, CWD/PI waterwelljournal.com 22 January 2015 WWJ (Above) Rorrer Well Drilling Inc. grouts an agricultural well in Elliston, Virginia.