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Darrin Siver General Manager Matters of Fact &EJUPSJBMEJSFDUPS%FSFL4NJUIt&EJUPS#JMM-BTUFt"SUEJSFDUPS.JLF.BZt$MJFOUTFSWJDFTNBOBHFS$ZOEZ.PZMBOt1VCMJTIFS1FUF4PCJD First ClassJTQVCMJTIFECZ/PSUICSPPL$VTUPN.FEJBBEJWJTJPOPG3BOEBMM3FJMMZ1VCMJTIJOH$PNQBOZ--$POCFIBMGPG1FUFSCJMU.PUPST$PNQBOZBOEJUTEFBMFST&EJUPSJBMPGGJDF 8(SFFOGJFME"WF/FX#FSMJO8*1IPOF 1SJOUFEJOUIF64DPQZSJHIU1PTUNBTUFS4FOEGPSNUP8(SFFOGJFME"WF/FX#FSMJO8* 0OFZFBSTVCTDSJQUJPOJOUIF64JO$BOBEBBMMPUIFSDPVOUSJFTQBZBCMFJO64GVOET i"HSFFNFOU/VNCFSw$IBOHFPGBEESFTTPSVOEFMJWFSBCMFDPQJFTTIPVMECFTFOUUP+BOFUUF"WF8JOETPS0OUBSJP/9;$BOBEB FIRST CLASS l 5 "Indeed, the bottom line matters. But it won't matter much without the person behind the wheel." B y now you've all heard various takes on the driver shortage facing the trucking industry. It's a top-of-mind discussion point among the many Peterbilt customers I visit. The recent narrative has shifted, however. "It's not about recruiting for us — it's retention," says Greg Hodgen, the president of Groendyke (page 6). "You look at the driver we employ today. You lose that skill level, that experience level, and it's costly. So we are really interested in doing all the things we can do to make sure that driver has a satisfying work life." Hodgen's message to his drivers? "You matter." And he reports that a primary tool to convince his drivers they matter is a Peterbilt Model 579. Peterbilt engineers, quite literally, designed the Model 579 cab around the driver. It is a spacious, ergonomic work environment designed to minimize driver fatigue, improve visibility and enhance safety. The ride is second to none. An enhanced driver display package is easy to read. An advanced forward lighting system offers new levels of nighttime visibility. And its drivers enjoy heightened image and prestige among their peers. For fleet owners and managers, the innovative, fuel-saving aerodynamic design of the Model 579, further complemented by the EPIQ aerodynamic fuel efficiency package, helps realize bottom line improvements as well. Hodgen, in fact, also reports a payload improvement of about 1,000 lbs. with his new Peterbilts. Indeed, the bottom line matters. But it won't matter much without the person behind the wheel. Just ask Larry Brady, owner of Brady Trucking (page 14). "We need the best people operating the best equipment to provide the level of service our customer base demands," says the president of the firm that bears his name. "I wouldn't be where I am today without these people, and operating the best equipment helps keep them here." Let Peterbilt be an important factor in your success as well.