
February 2015

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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Field Science 20 SportsTurf | February 2015 it that way. These are the methods we use at the pro- fessional level to maintain all our turf to dirt transition areas: Blow out loose conditioner or soil daily with a gas-powered blower. Move that loose material AWAY from the edge. One of our grounds crew does this on every edge after every game. When he is finished, there is a foot of "naked" infield mix exposed without condi- tioner. Periodically sweep all edges with a stiff-bristled push broom. We do this at least once a week or after tarp pulls to get that conditioner back where it belongs. I call it "bump and push" as you bounce that broom over the turf to loosen the material and move it away from the edge. Power wash the edges with pressurized water. We do this at least once or twice each season depending on the status of our build up. Instead of high volume, high pressure (1-inch hose), we go with a ¾-inch garden hose and easy controllable nozzle that can pinpoint

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