World Fence News

February 2015

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WORLD FENCE NEWS • FEBRUARY 2015 • 23 question is how many of them want to work. Residential building is occur- ring, basically on the high end. There are a lot of complexes being renovat- ed, and gated communities are on the increase. On the commercial side, there doesn't appear to be a lot of activity. The higher end is doing great, and strip malls are rebounding. Addition- ally, there are renovations going on as well in the commercial arena. We then asked Ken what the com- pany strategy was going to be for 2015. He told us that he was going to stick with what they do best and continue to offer reasonable and fair prices. Finally, we asked what he thought the fence industry outlook was going to be for 2015, and he said he felt it will be improving. This past year the third and fourth quarters on the commercial side were strong after an understandably slow start with the weather and other fac- tors, but he felt growth will continue. Finally for this issue we chatted briefl y with Deter Herz of Western Fence Company in Amarillo, Texas. Deter told us that the past season end- ed up pretty good. Further he told us that he bought the company some 10 years ago (the company was founded in 1945) and does 100% commercial work. The types of jobs that they gen- erally do are airports, petrochemical plants, utilities, and schools, and the company service area is a 200 mile radius. We then asked about the econo- my in the area, and were told that the recession really didn't affect Amaril- lo that much. Much of the company work and location is in the northern Panhandle of Texas and takes in Okla- homa and New Mexico. Residential in Amarillo never re- ally suffered a housing bust, he noted, and property values stayed high. On the commercial side over the past 10 years, oil projects have kept activity at a high level. A lot of city and municipal projects have devel- oped and are continuing. Infrastructure has seen activity as well. We then asked what strategy the company will implement for 2015. Deter told us that they will continue to represent the company with a stan- dard that has resulted in about 90% repeat business. Finally, we asked Deter how he felt the outlook for the fence industry in 2015 for his area would be. He told us that he felt it will be good here go- ing forward. 2015 Fencer's Almanac hits the streets The 2015 edition of The Fencer's Almanac Buyer's Guide – the 30th annual edition – was published on November 14, 2014, and World Fence News readers will have received it by now. The Almanac is distributed to all World Fence News subscribers. We are proud of the new Alma- nac, as it serves as the perfect show- case for the huge variety of products, materials and services on the market for the fence, decking, railing and ac- cess control industries. Please put The Fencer's Almanac to use immediately and patronize the advertisers! Extra copies are available for $50 each. To order, e-mail Mary Hummon at 800-328-GATE We Close Openings *UHHQZLFK1<3HDUODQG7;)W'RGJH,$ &ORVLQJRSHQLQJVIURPWRIHHW 'HVLJQHGDQGWHVWHGDVV\VWHPV ([FOXVLYH86GLVWULEXWRURI 6DIHW\ÀH[&UDVK5DWHG%ROODUGV &DQWLOHYHU*DWH6\VWHPV 2YHUKHDG*DWH6\VWHPV 9HUWLFDO/LIW*DWHV 3HGHVWULDQ*DWHV 3RUWDOV &UDVK5DWHG&DQWLOHYHU*DWHV &UDVK5DWHG6WUHHW)XUQLWXUH 9HUWLFDO3LYRW*DWHV &UDVK5DWHG%HDPV 0DQXIDFWXULQJ4XDOLW\6HFXULW\*DWH6\VWHPV6LQFH Tymetal Corp. Tymetal Corp. Gate & Operator Systems 6KDOORZ0RXQWHG&UDVK5DWHG%ROODUGV 6ZLQJ*DWHV '(6,*16(59,&(6&8672063(&,),&$7,216&86720'5$:,1*67(&+1,&$/6833257 2UQDPHQWDO*DWH6\VWHPV

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