HME News

November 2011

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— ADVERTISEMENT — A New Age of Convenience New levels of intelligence, control and convenience come to CPAP therapy Director of North America Marketing for Sleep Therapy at Philips Respironics, said, "The choice and flexibility are always at the full discretion of the care provider." Once the ideal pressure is established for the patient, Auto-Check—AutoIQ's second phase—checks back every 30 hours to see how the patient is progressing with therapy. Auto-Check phase then determines if a pressure change is needed. If it is, the device will either automatically adjust the pressure, within limits, or remain at the same pressure. All the while, the device keeps the care team informed with key patient treatment data. In an ideal world, a clinician would be able to observe each sleep apnea patient for several nights, establish an ideal PAP therapy pressure, and then check back periodically just to make sure therapy is still the best it can be. In reality, providing such a high level of attention to each and every patient is neither practical nor equitable for a care provider. As technology and innovation progresses, however, it is becoming increasingly feasible—and unequivocally convenient—for care teams to provide that degree of continuous attention. Advancements such as the new AutoIQ mode, which is now available on the Philips Respironics REMstar Pro, make such convenient care possible. Through a combination of the proven Philips Respironics auto algorithm with two distinct phases, AutoIQ makes it possible to provide breath- by-breath therapy over a set period of time, establish an ideal fixed pressure for that patient, and then routinely reassess treatment needs and change therapy pressures automatically as necessary. And, it is all done without the need to send anyone to patients' homes. Philips Respironics describes the new AutoIQ mode as curiously smart and powerfully convenient. There are two distinct phases that allow the AutoIQ mode to provide smart treatment. The first of those phases is the Auto-Trial phase. For up to thirty days, Auto-Trial provides breath-by-breath therapy and learns the patient's unique breathing patterns to understand his or her treatment needs. At the end of the phase, Auto-Trial analyzes all that it has learned to identify and automatically deliver the ideal pressure for that patient. Or, it will deliver a fixed pressure that has been set by the clinician. "The best way to think of the functionality of the AutoIQ mode is as a CPAP therapy system that remains continually curious about a patient's ongoing treatment needs and smart enough to help the care team deliver optimal patient therapy month after month, even when they're miles away." – Maura Toole Weis Director of North America Marketing for Sleep Therapy at Philips Respironics The clinician always retains full control to make adjustments as he or she sees fit without the need to send a staff member to the patient's home. According to Weis, "The AutoIQ mode on the REMstar Pro supports our goal of helping people with sleep apnea be compliant with their therapy, and is evidence of our ongoing pledge to providers and patients alike as their ally in better sleep and breathing." Clinicians can opt to use all thirty days up front, or use fewer trial days to start and save the balance for a later date. This may be useful should the patient's condition or characteristics change, such as a significant weight gain or loss. Maura Toole Weis, For more information about the REMstar Pro with AutoIQ visit Undoubtedly, the sleep industry is entering a new age of convenience. The AutoIQ mode from Philips Respironics is a prime example of the intelligent solutions that are shaping the future of sleep management.

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