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20 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 GOOD FRUIT GROWER A team of California scientists working on red blotch virus in grape vineyards suspects that a vector is involved in spreading the virus, but one has yet to be identified. Grapevine red blotch associated virus is a relatively new disease in terms of awareness within the U.S. grape industry, but it has likely been here for decades—growers just didn't know it because symptoms are similar to the widespread grapevine leafroll associ- ated virus. Since its formal designation as a virus in 2012 after DNA sequencing, scientists have been in a catch-up learning mode. Researchers across the United States have collaborated on identifying and characterizing the virus. Red blotch disease was first recognized in 2008 in a Napa Valley vineyard by Jim Wolpert, University of California Extension viticulturist, and Mike Anderson, researcher and manager of UC Davis' Oakville Experiment Station, ProTree Nursery provides exceptional customer service and high-quality trees at a fair price. These are the reasons why our customers keep coming back year after year. We have over 40 years of experience in selecting the best root stocks matched with top varieties. We provide hearty trees and a great value. No bells… no whistles… just a business built on exceeding our customers' expectations. Call ProTree Nursery today — get the value you deserve in each and every tree. 10500 Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, CA 94513 800.634.1671 or 925.634.2191 (Alison Clegg or Richard Chavez) 877.457.6901 (Henry Sanguinetti) Apples Aztec Fuji ® (DT-2 cv) Banning Red Fuji (USPP 16,624 P2) Blondee™ (USPP 19,007 McLaughlin cv) Buckeye ® Gala (USPP 10,840) Firestorm™ Honeycrisp Honeycrisp™ (USPP 7197) JonaStar JonaGold™ (USPP 20,590) September Wonder™ Fuji (USPP 11,193) Ultima™ Gala (USPP 13,753 P2) These apple varieties are available on B-118, BUD-10, EMLA-7, EMLA-26, EMLA-106, EMLA-111, G-30, M-9 (T-337), NIC ® -29, or Pajam #2. Cherries Benton™ Bing Black Tart BlackPearl ® Brooks™ BurgundyPearl ® Chelan™ Coral Champagne Cristalina™ EbonyPearl ® Lapins RadiancePearl ® Rainier Selah™ Skeena™ Sweetheart™ Tamora Tulare™ Vans Available on Colt, Gisela ® , Krymsk ® , Mahaleb, or Mazzard. * * Not all varieties are available on all rootstocks. Call for specific grafting information. M E M B E R O F w w w . p r o t r e e n u r s e r y. c o m Value from the ground up. The search continues for possible vectors. by Melissa Hansen RED BLOTCH knowledge grows "Viruses in that family are often transmitted ϔǡ ϔǡ Ǥdz — Brian Bahder Grape Diseases