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28 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 GOOD FRUIT GROWER P lant pathologist Dr. Parama Sikdar has joined the faculty at the Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee, Washington, where she is working on research designed to help Washington apple growers maintain access to the China market. W a s h i n g t o n a p p l e growers were shut out of the Chinese market for two seasons because of the Chinese government's concerns about importing fruit infected with bull's-eye rot (Neofabraea perennans), speck rot (Phacidiopycnis w a s h i n g t o n e n s i s ) a n d sphaeropsis rot (Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens). The market reopened last fall under a new, more strin- gent protocol that requires Washington growers to manage those fungal diseases in the orchard and certify they have done so. China also asked that research be done to verify the effectiveness of the systems approach, which involves prun- ing out cankers and diseased twigs from crab apple trees and applying postharvest fungicides. Fruit must also be inspected for decay at the packing house. Bull's-eye rot is well known to the Washington tree fruit industry, but it's only within the last decade that P. washingtonensis and S. pyriputrescens were first recognized as causes of postharvest decay in Washington apples. Dr. Chang-Lin Xiao, who was a plant pathologist with Washington State University in Wenatchee before moving to California three years ago, discovered that Manchurian crab apple, a common pollenizer in Washington orchards, was a host of speck rot and sphaeropsis rot and was a source of inoculum that spread the diseases to neighboring commercial fruit trees. Research on rot is under way $''!%$&' $ &%%'"%' !#"$&' ' 1. V-8 engine with power of a V-10 2. Better fuel economy 11.6 gal/hr (5.4 liquid injection) 3. Less maintenance–no filter lock-off, no vaporizer and no mixer 4. Instantaneous engine start-up 5. No engine surging/service call if unit runs out of fuel 6. Built in auto-start, standard equipment 7. Exclusive (OBD-2) on-board engine diagnostics H.F. HAUFF COMPANY INC. 2921 Sutherland Park Drive Yakima, Washington 98903 855-855-0318 509-248-0318 FAX 509-248-0914 • TOLL FREE &"!$#&'"%'$!' !#"$&''#"%!' ' ##'!$&%'%'&%"#$&'&% Consider for your next planting: • BRUCE PONDER • SUSAN WILKINSON • ADAM WEIL • DAVE WEIL 503-538-2131 • FAX: 503-538-7616 BENEFITS: • Disease tolerant • Cold hardy • Adapts well to all cherry-growing districts • Forms flower buds and comes into bearing quicker than Mazzard with a better distribution of flower buds Now booking orders for 2016 Call Tree Connection: 800-421-4001 Dwarfing Cherry Rootstock Krymsk ® 5 Krymsk ® 6 [cv. VSL-2, USPP 15,723] [cv. LC-52, USPP 16,114] "Krymsk ® 5 and Krymsk ® 6 cherry rootstocks have proven to be the best rootstock for our orchards. They are yield efficient, grow and adapt well, and are cold hardy." —John Morton The Dalles, Oregon Plant pathologist is working to determine if pruning and spraying crab apple trees effectively controls postharvest rots. by Geraldine Warner Diseases Parama Sikdar