Oil Prophets

Winter 2015

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15 Oil Prophets in 1958. In 2002, they opened the 3rd store, and today DC Oil owns 12 VWRUHVDOOQDPHG4XLFN6KRSDQG Dealer store. David credits the stores' successes to "really good long-term people who do a fantastic job." He can honestly tell all his employees "there's nothing that you're doing that I haven't done!" From cashier, to store management, to store supervisor, David experienced all areas of convenience store operations. While he initially thought of his job as Assistant Manager – technically, Cashier – as the most miserable 18 months of his life, in retrospect "it's the best thing that ever happened to me." He learned all aspects of the business, including running the register, cleaning the bathrooms, stocking the store, and completing all the required paperwork. Connie continued working for the City of Hoover while the business was growing. Eventually, David told her he would have to hire someone to work LQWKHRI¿FHEHFDXVHKHZDVZRUNLQJ day and night. She asked "How much are you paying?" and the rest is history. She thought that working in the business would give her more ÀH[LEOHKRXUVDQGPRUHWLPHWRVSHQG with their two young children, but soon found herself working long hours along ZLWK'DYLG6KH¿QDOO\ZHQWSDUWWLPH about 2 years ago. David and Connie's children are not involved in the family business – yet. Their son Jarred is a Junior at Oak Mountain High School. He works part-time at Chick-Fil-A and is very busy with youth group activities at Double Oak Community Church. Jarred has been on several mission trips, both international and within the US, and his parents believe he will be involved in ministry. Their daughter Raney is in 6th grade at Oak Mountain Middle School and is a member of a competitive cheer team. When she is not practicing (typically 4-5 GD\VDZHHNVKHLVDOVR a member of the Praise Team at Double Oak, and also plays piano and sings. David also enjoys hunting deer & duck, and occasionally his family joins him. David says "Since I don't have any other hobbies or activities that take me away, I go all out from November to January!" David and Connie Collins have come DORQJZD\IURP'DYLG¶V¿UVWMREDV Cashier/Assistant Manager of that Texaco station. They didn't get anything from anyone. David had a dream, they worked hard and they made it happen, ZLWK&RQQLHDOVRVDFUL¿FLQJ and dedicating herself to their success. After 15 years of P&CMA membership, David is looking forward to his Chairman role as an opportunity to focus on the educational needs of our members. "When it comes right down to it, we are all members because we want to know how ZHDUHJRLQJWRUHPDLQSUR¿WDEOH in the years ahead." +LV¿UVWUHFRPPHQGDWLRQWRWKH 2015 board will be to implement a Retail Committee to address the educational needs of convenience store operators. Two groups have recently become associated with P&CMA: the Alabama Merchants Association in Birmingham and the Southeastern Asian Store Owners from Mobile. These two groups operate a large number of stores throughout the state, and it is David's hope that the new Retail Committee ZLOOEHQH¿WWKHLUPHPEHUVDVZHOODV our jobber members. David also wants to take a hard look at our events. He is "very proud of the fact that we have added Mississippi to our trade show, and I think we are on the right track there. The Gulf Coast Food & Fuel Expo should become a regional event that is recognized throughout our industry." He also wants to talk about ways to enhance and improve our Summer Convention and Fall Golf Tournament and looks forward to hearing from members about these annual events.

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