Cultured Magazine

February/March 2015

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106 CULTURED ART BASEL 2014 On November 30, Cultured magazine and Harry Winston kicked off a week of Art Basel festivities with a private dinner at the Miami Beach home of architect David Schwarz. With the support of Perrier-Jouët and Norman Foster's new 551W21 project in New York, nearly 100 tastemakers from the world of art and design gathered to enjoy Le Basque fare and unmatched city views. PHOTOS BY SETH BROWARNIK Sarah Harrelson, Leyla Portela and Laura Dowling Marc and Carol Iacovelli Pamela Golbin and Federico Marchetti Mario Cader-Frech and Robert Wennett Edith Taichman, Patrick Parrish and Alex Gilbert Rachel Hovnanian and Jeffrey Deitch Richard Fields and Brandy Coletta Laure Heriard Dubreuil Evan Snyderman and Zesty Meyers Hugh Bush and Austin Harrelson Yolanda Berkowitz and Ivana Berendika

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