City Trees

March/April 2015

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Since 1946 Asplundh has been using herbicides to control unwanted vegetation. And for more than 60 years, Asplundh has partnered with university researchers and manufacturers to ensure that our integrated vegetation management (IVM) programs are environmentally-sustainable and cost-effective. By combining mowing and side trimming with selective herbicide applications, Asplundh can tailor the most appropriate IVM plan for your public areas or right-of-way. We have the research to prove it at THAT'S CLEARING THE WAY V E G E TAT I O N M A N A G E M E N T ASPLUNDH.COM • 1-800-248-TREE

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