
Vol. 1 2015

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1 6 | BULLDOG | 2 0 1 5 V 1 ON EQUIPMENT The new Mack ® mDRIVE™ HD heavy-duty automated manual WUDQVPLVVLRQLVDJDPHFKDQJHUIRUYRFDWLRQDOƅHHWV,WKDQGOHV the toughest jobs on the jobsite, delivers big-time power and torque ratings and increases payload with its light weight Important features include: s/LJKWZHLJKW Including transmission oil, the mDRIVE HD is up to 237 pounds lighter than other offerings, enabling FXVWRPHUVWRKDXOPRUHSD\ORDG s5HLQIRUFHGLQWHUQDOFRPSRQHQWVWith EHHƄHUJHDUVDQGV\QFKURVWKHmDRIVE HD LVEXLOWWRSRZHUWKURXJKWKHURXJKHVWWHUUDLQ s7UDQVPLVVLRQPRXQWHGRLOFRROHUTough conditions demand repeated shifts, which can JHQHUDWHDORWRIKHDWmDRIVE HD's oil cooler PDLQWDLQVDQRSWLPDORSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH s8QLTXHVRIWZDUHSDFNDJHV"Enhanced Construction" provides optimal on/off-road capability and JLYHVWKHGULYHUIXOOFRQWURORYHUDQ\VLWXDWLRQq(=6KLIWrGHOLYHUV VPRRWKHUVKLIWVIRUVHQVLWLYHSD\ORDGVOLNHOLYHVWRFNRUEXONOLTXLGV q+HDY\+DXO6KLIWrRIIHUVHYHQPRUHSHUIRUPDQFHRULHQWHGVKLIWSRLQWVDQG OHVVVNLSVKLIWLQJDQGLVUHFRPPHQGHGIRUKLJK*&:ORDGVRYHU*&: s3722SWLRQVThe mDRIVE HD is available with up to six different combinations of rear transmission-mounted PTO options and a selection of factory-installed piston DQGJHDUGULYHQK\GUDXOLFSXPSRSWLRQV Complete integration As part of Mack's legendary integrated powertrain, mDRIVE HD works seamlessly with Mack engines and axles for improved HIƄFLHQF\LQFUHDVHGXSWLPHDQGORZHUFRVW%HFDXVHZKHQDOOWKH SLHFHVSHUIRUPWRJHWKHUHYHU\WKLQJHOVHIDOOVLQWRSODFH One Stop Service %HFDXVHmDRIVE HD is a Mack transmission, it's serviced in Mack's LQGXVWU\OHDGLQJFRDVWWRFRDVWGHDOHUQHWZRUNDQGVXSSRUWHGE\ RXUFRPSUHKHQVLYH8SWLPH6HUYLFHV)RUJHWWKHDGGLWLRQDOWLPHRU KDVVOHVSHQWGHDOLQJZLWKWKLUGSDUW\UHSDLUV Increased productivity The m'5,9(+'LVDXWRPDWHGVRLWpVHDVLHUWRZRUNWKDQWUDGLWLRQDO PDQXDOWUDQVPLVVLRQV%HFDXVHGULYHUVGRQpWKDYHWRZRUU\DERXW VKLIWLQJJHDUVWKH\pUHPRUHUHVWHGDQGUHDG\WRƄQLVKWKHMREZLWK LQFUHDVHGIRFXVDQGSURGXFWLYLW\ Lighter than the competition (YHQWKRXJKm'5,9(+'LVEXLOWVWURQJLWZRQpWZHLJK\RXGRZQ,WpV KXQGUHGVRISRXQGVOHVVWKDQRWKHURIIHULQJVVR\RXFDQGLWFKWKH GHDGZHLJKWDQGLQFUHDVH\RXUSD\ORDG mDRIVE HD: Power and control for biggest jobs T he mDRIVE HD heavy-duty automated manual transmission is built for the Mack Granite ® and Titan by Mack to help tackle whatever FKDOOHQJHV\RXIDFHRQWKHMRE7KLVVSHHGWZR SHGDOWUDQVPLVVLRQRIIHUVXSWROEIWWRUTXH DQG+3IRU*UDQLWHDVZHOODVOEIWWRUTXH DQG+3IRU7LWDQ6HDPOHVVO\LQWHJUDWHGZLWKWKH Mack MP7 ® , MP8 ® and MP10 ® engines, mDRIVE HD LVVWDQGDUGIRU*UDQLWHDQG7LWDQ mDRIVE HD is built for the demands of heavy-duty vocational applications, such as dump, mixer and heavy haul, with components designed and PDQXIDFWXUHGWROLYHXSWR0DFNVWDQGDUGV The 12-speed m'5,9(+'KDVQRFOXWFKSHGDO The gearshift is operated by an intelligent shift pad PRGXOHDQGPDQDJHGE\VRSKLVWLFDWHGHOHFWURQLFV Available in overdrive and direct drive, the mDRIVE HD continuously monitors grade changes, vehicle speed, throttle position, acceleration, torque demand DQGFRPELQHGYHKLFOHZHLJKW,WDXWRPDWLFDOO\ chooses the best gear for the situation, allowing drivers to focus on the terrain rather than shifting JHDUVLQFUHDVLQJVDIHW\RQZRUNVLWHV

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