
November 2011

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work up the ladder T Trade ricks OF THE What does it take to rock your workday? Local businesswomen reveal their secret weapons to success Don't expect success every day: It's important for me to recognize that there are days when I don't feel any success, that it's been a roadblock day. I like to feel wind, like things are moving. When there's no wind, I have to remind myself that's OK. Sometimes the tasks I have don't have a resolution, or they don't have a fast resolution and there will only be success in small chunks. But it's important to focus on what has been accomplished and trust that things are still moving forward. MaryAnn Knoke Director of operations, Raven Software 34 BRAVA Magazine November 2011 Michelle Behnke Attorney and principal, Michelle Behnke and Associates Dress the part: As a lawyer, I've learned that what I wear affects my mental state. So each morning I think, what will help me mentally? If I have a bunch of casual work, I dress more comfortably. But if I'm meeting with a client I wear something more professional because in my field, a clean, professional look is associated with capability. And I don't want to be distracted thinking more about what I'm wearing than paying attention to my client. I can't change the fact that my clothing matters, so I use that knowledge as a tool to keep me comfortable and focused. Take it personally: In sales, I take my clients' success and struggles personally. I really put myself in their shoes and invest in their business as if it were my own. It makes for a roller coaster experience, but really getting to know them and what they do has served me well. It also helps build your expertise. My biggest successes have been because I've worked to educate myself and be a true resource for my clients. Shan Roth Senior account executive, Charter Media

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