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38 MAY 15, 2015 GOOD FRUIT GROWER F our of the cherry world's leading designers of sweet cherry grow- ing systems have come together to coauthor Cherry Training Systems, a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for growers. The new, 63-page guide provides detailed, year-by-year instructions on training and pruning required for any of seven systems and advice on choosing rootstocks and spacings for them. The systems are: Kym Green Bush (KGB), Spanish bush, steep leader, super slender axe, tall spindle axe, Upright Fruiting Offshoots (UFO), and Vogel central leader. This Pacific Northwest Extension publication (PNW 667) was produced cooperatively by Oregon State University, Washington State University, and the University of Idaho in cooperation with Michigan State University. The four authors are prominent uni- versity figures familiar to most cherry growers from winter horticulture meet- ings and field days where they, often with pruning shears in hand, have shown growers what cherry orchards will look like in the different training systems and why they might choose any one of them. In this publication, they lay it out in detail, with color pictures of mature trees and lots of easy-to-understand diagrams showing how to get there. The writers are: —Lynn Long, Oregon State University Extension horticulturist in Wasco County, Oregon, who has investigated the perfor- mance of fi ve of the training systems in Oregon; —Stefano Musacchi, research horti- culturist at Washington State University who began his research while at the University of Bologna in Italy and devel- oped the slender spindle axe system; —Matthew Whiting, horticulturist at Washington State University, who developed the Upright Fruiting Offshoot Training SWEET CHERRIES Cherries Greg Lang explains cherry training systems GXULQJD¼HOGGD\IRUJURZHUVDWWKH&ODUNVYLOOH +RUWLFXOWXUH5HVHDUFK6WDWLRQLQ0LFKLJDQ/DQJ DQGWKUHHRWKHUFKHUU\UHVHDUFKHUV¯/\QQ/RQJ 6WHIDQR0XVDFFKLDQG0DWWKHZ:KLWLQJ¯KDYH GHYHORSHGDJXLGHIRUFKHUU\JURZHUV /\QQ/RQJ 6WHIDQR0XVDFFKL 0DWWKHZ:KLWLQJ New guide gives step-by-step details for managing cherries in seven different systems. by Richard Lehnert RICHARD LEHNERT/GOOD FRUIT GROWER CHERRY training systems A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW 667 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Q WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Q UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO in cooperation with MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY L. Long, G. Lang, S. Musacchi, M. Whiting