
February 2012

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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>> OPENING DAY in Fort Wayne, April 7, 2010. I faced this in Fort Wayne when the shop was promised in November and we finally were able to move equipment in 2 days be- fore the team came into town in April for workouts. You make do, you get by and hopefully if there is a next time you've learned the importance like I did this time in Omaha. Everything goes so much smoother and more efficiently when you have organi- zation, no matter what the setting is. There will always be challenges on every tion, organization, and storage before the season. Attic stock materials may be built into the specs but storage of them is not. The last thing you want is $5,000 of loose materials sitting outside on a construction site getting contaminated. Plenty of work will need to be done come spring time and the last thing you will want is a disaster of a shop and ma- terials when games start in the spring. field, new and old, but the more you know about your field the better prepared you can be to keep an issue from turning into a dis- aster. Relationships are key in this industry and just about everyone is willing to talk and help out, as long as you are willing to ask. Don't make that the hardest part. ■ Mitch McClary is head groundskeeper for the Omaha Storm Chasers. SportsTurf 27

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