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Diseases & Disorders Manage resistance at the warehouse Using the same postharvest fungicide annually can lead to resistance of mold pathogens. by Melissa Hansen R esistance of the blue mold pathogen to the postharvest fungicide Penbotec (pyrimethanil) was seen in Washington State within five years of the product being introduced, illustrating the need to use resistance management practices. Washington State University postharvest scientists observed resistance of blue mold (Penicillium expansum) to Penbotec for the first time in 2009 at a packing house where it had been used as a postharvest drench for apples annually since 2005. Dr. Chang-Lin Xiao, former extension plant patholo- gist based at WSU's Tree Fruit Research Center in Wenatchee, said that the two major decay-causing pathogens of apples and pears—blue mold and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea)—are at high risk of developing resistance to fungicides, so growers and packers must work to prevent development of resistance. "One key factor contributing to the development of fungicide resistance is selection pressure," said Xiao, who is now working at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's research laboratory in Parlier, California. "Exclusive or repeated use of the same class of fungicides creates a per- sistent selection pressure to the pathogens for resistance development." Since approval of Penbotec and Scholar (fludioxonil) for use at the packing house level in 2005, both have been effective fungicides. But even before the postharvest use was approved, extension educators were recommending that storage operators alternate Scholar and Penbotec from year to year to prevent subjecting P. expansum spore populations on fruit bins to selection pressure by using the same fungicide in successive years. Emerging resistance In one Washington packing house that had used Pen- botec exclusively since 2005, Xiao found low levels of resistance to P. expansum (less than 1 percent) in 2009, but resistance jumped to 7 percent in the next year. By switching to Scholar in 2011, resistance dropped to 3 percent. In another packing house that used Penbotec exclu- sively up to 2010, and then used both Scholar and Pen- botec in 2011, the frequency of resistant isolates to P. expansum was more than 90 percent, he said. A sampling of five packers in 2011 found only one with a high percentage (94) of Penbotec-resistant isolates to P. expansum. That packer, and another with 2.9 percent resistant isolates, used Penbotec exclusively as a drench until 2010, according to Xiao. The three other packers, (two with no resistant isolates and one with 1.75 percent resistant isolates) had not used Penbotec or Scholar widely for drench before 2010. "Don't panic," he told packing house operators who were at the postharvest session of the Washington State Horticultural Association's meeting in December. "Resis- tance is not a widespread problem in the industry. It is a packing house-specific issue that's related to repeated annual use of the same fungicide as a postharvest drench." Drenching itself is not a problem, but contaminated bins contribute to the development of resistance, he noted. "However, resistance management practice needs to be implemented industrywide." Xiao also encouraged packing house operators to pay attention to the fungicides used in the field, as they could compromise the effectiveness of fungicides used at the packing house level. Both the new preharvest fungicides of Vangard (cyprodinil) and Inspire Super (cyprodinil and difenoconazole) are in the same class of fungicides as Penbotec. Scholar also has a preharvest use that must be considered when using as a drench. Resistance management steps include: • Avoid using the same fungicide as a postharvest drench year after year. • Alternate between Penbotec and Scholar on a yearly basis. • Avoid using the same postharvest fungicides twice on the same fruit (drench treatment and packing line treatment). • Sanitize bins before delivery to the field in a hot water treatment at 170°F for 20 seconds to kill spores, a treatment that also helps control codling moth. • Chang-Lin Xiao recommends that use of Penbotec and Scholar alternate from year to year to preserve their effectiveness against fungal pathogens like this blue mold on a Gala apple. We grow organic Mandarins, Pluots and Kiwis on 16 acres. Every year we have trouble with cold weather in the springtime. Previously we had water protection only, but we put in our 1st Chinook Wind Machine this last summer and it really saved our bacon. This year we didn't lose anything. I can't say enough about the coverage we get. One neighbor's field was not protected and he lost all of his fruit. We protect 14 acres with one Chinook Wind Machine. The Chinook blade moves a lot of air, and it's economical. I use 4 gallons of diesel an hour, while another neighbor uses 13 to 16 gallons of propane an hour with a competitor's machine. On top of it all, the Hauffs are very good people to deal with. Clyde Litchfield and son-in-law James Day MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA 5 Increased Radius Coverage by 80-150 Feet with Same HP Draw 5 Air Flow Starts 14'' from Hub 5 Donier Swept Tip—Reduces Tip Drag 5 The Only Fan Blade with the "Trailing 1801 Presson Place • Yakima, WA 98903 509-248-0318 fax 509-248-0914 Edge Wedge" (widens sector angle and increases air velocity) 5 Advanced Flow Design 5 Increased Horsepower 5 LESS FUEL CONSUMPTION 5 Quality Built, Affordable, Fast Payback GOOD FRUIT GROWER FEBRUARY 15, 2012 23 CHANG-LIN XIAO H. F . HA UFF C O M P A N Y I N C .