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GROWERS! Sign up for the FREE eFlash GFG Newsletter. Your eFlash Newsletter will keep you informed with the latest tree fruit industry news, including trends, marketing, research, and growing technology. Fill out the form at Enter to WIN iPad2! an One entry per person ONLY. Deadline for entry February 29, 2012 All information kept confidential. For more information call 800-487-9946 or e-mail 40 FEBRUARY 15, 2012 GOOD FRUIT GROWER GOOD STUFF A selection of the latest products and services for tree fruit and grape growers. MRL for FujiMite T aiwan has established a maximum residue limit of 0.4 parts per mil- lion for FujiMite (fenpy- roximate) on apples and pears—the same as the U.S. tolerance, according to infor- mation from the manufacturer Nichino America, Inc. Growers are now able to use the contact miticide to con- trol mites on pome fruit that will be exported to Taiwan. FujiMite belongs to the METI (Mitochondrial Electron Transport Inhibitor) class of compounds, which are in IRAC (Insecticide Resistance Action Committee) group 21A. The active ingredient works by blocking cellular res- piration and is effective on all motile stages of spider mites and rust mites. It also affects secondary pests, including psylla and leafhoppers, but is considered non- toxic to most beneficial insects, the company reports in a press release. The product has a reentry interval of 12 hours and a preharvest interval of 14 days. Fireblight product approval pending a biological product designed to help control fireblight in apples, pears, and quinces. Approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the product is pending. Blossom Protect contains the yeast W Aureobasidium pullulans, which blocks the fireblight pathogen from colonizing blossoms by competing for space and nutrients. There is no risk of the pathogen developing resistance even with frequent applications, according to a press release from Westbridge. The product was developed by Bio- ferm of Tulln, Austria. For more information, call (800) 876- 2767 or check the Web site www.west Repel deer humanely B ird Gard, a company that supplies electronic bird control devices, has introduced an electronic deer repellent. Deer Shield uses a deer's own language and natural instincts to repel them from crops, orchards, and vineyards. Digital recordings of alarmed, hostile, and ter- ritorial deer are broadcast through high-fidelity, weather- resistant speakers to trigger a primal fear-and-flee response. Deer soon relocate to where they can feed with- out feeling threatened. Deer foraging in orchards and vineyards cause large crop losses, and fecal contamination from deer presents a serious public health risk. Deer Shield is based on research and development of humane animal control systems at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Two models of Deer Shield are available. Deer Shield Pro is motion activated and designed to protect up to 1.5 acres. Deer Shield Super Pro can protect up to 6 acres. For information, check the Web site www.deershield or call Rick Willis at (503) 449-4829. estbridge Agricultural Products of Vista, California, is the exclusive U.S. distributor of Blossom Protect, C Potent codling moth virus ertis USA has introduced a high-potency codling moth virus that will be commercially available to apple and pear growers in some U.S. states this season. Cyd-X HP bioinsecticide contains a highly potent formu- lation of the naturally occurring Cydia pomonella gran- ulovirus and can be used at rates as low as 0.5 ounces per acre. Cyd-X HP can be tank mixed with most other insecti- cides, fungicides, and fertilizers, and used with mating disruption programs. It is approved by the National Organics Program. It has a four-hour reentry period and can be used up to the day of harvest. Cheminova will market Sovran B ASF Corporation has granted Cheminova, Inc., the exclusive U.S. distribution rights for Sovran (kresoxim-methyl) fungicide. Sovran is used to control powdery mildew, botrytis, and other diseases on grapes, pome fruits, and other crops. BASF will no longer sell the product and will focus on newer products containing the active ingredients kixor (herbicides) and xemium (fungicides). Tote bagger G raybill Machines, Inc., of Lititz, Pennsylvania, which specializes in designing and building automated machinery, has introduced the Graybill Apple Bagger, a packing- house machine that gently handles and fills 1,000 half-peck (five-pound) tote bags per hour. It is a compact, self-contained unit made of stainless steel and aluminum. For more information, check the Web site www. graybillmachines. com. New fungicide to be developed D ow AgroSciences and Gowan announced a new development and marketing license agreement that will allow Gowan to license the new and first-in-its-class fungicide meptyldinocap. Gowan will develop the fungi- cide for use in fruits and vines in the United States and Canada. Meptyldinocap represents a new mode of action. While no products are yet registered for use in the United States, it is used in other countries for control of powdery mildew in grapes and a number of fruit and vegetable crops. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, meptyldinocap is a new dinitrophenol fungicide and is one of six isomers found in the older fungicide dinocap. It has been placed in Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) group 29.