Tobacco Asia

Volume 18, Number 4

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80 tobaccoasia ADVERTISER PG# Airco Diet 14 Alliance One 57, 59, 61 Arkote 48 British American Tobacco 20, 27 BMJ 15-17 Bobst C-4 Boegli Gravures 51 Bulgartabac 3 Burghart Tabak Technik 64 Cambustion 9 Changde Tobacco Machinery 79 David Ross International 37 Decouflé C-2 Domino 69 Durfort Holdings 33 Eastern Company 39 Essentra Filter Products 19 Filters Pakistan 82 G.D SpA 7 Hauni 11 Hitkari Multifilters 45 Hoffman Neopac AG 41 ADVERTISER PG# ITM 13 Kardien/KT&G 21 Max Schlatterer 23 NDC Infrared Engineering Limited 67 Neutek International 77 Nicos Gleodis 65 PT Pura Barutama 46 Sasib 4 Shanghai Tobacco Group 43 Shishapresso S.A.L 29 Solvay Acetow 63, 81 Sopariwala 34-35 Souza Cruz 5 Spikker Specials 25 Star Tobacco 73 NV STTC 31 Surya Zig Zag C-3 SWM 53 TSAL 75 Tobacco Board of India 71 Tobacco Technology 47 US Tobacco Cooperative 49 Events 事件 Advertiser's Index* 广告索引 *Although the publishers of Tobacco Asia endeavor to provide the most exact information possible in this Advertisers Index, we do not guarantee the validity of any information provided here including (but not limited to) company name, page number, spellings, omissions, etc. September 19-21, 2014 Inter-tabac (SOLD OUT) Dortmund, Germany Contacts: Angelika Bauer (Global) Angelika.bauer@ Glenn Anthony John (China & Hong Kong) Focus: tobacco products & accessories exhibition September 28-October 1, 2014 68th Annual Tobacco Science Research Conference Charlottsville VA USA Focus: tobacco science conference October 1-3, 2014 GTNF Global Tobacco Networking Forum Greenbrier, WV, United States Focus: tobacco conference October 12-14, 2014 CORESTA Quebec City, Canada Focus: tobacco science conference October 13-18, 2014 FCTC/COP6 Moscow, Russia Focus: anti-tobacco conference October 26-31, 2014 30th Duty Free & Travel Retail Global Summit Cannes, France Focus: dutyfree exhibition & conference November 12-14, 2014 World Tobacco Asia (CANCELLED) Singapore November 25-27 Middle East Exclusive Dubai, United Arab Emirates Focus: duty free exhibition January 28-29, 2015 Tobacco Plus Expo Las Vegas NV USA Focus: tobacco products & accessories exhibition February 15-20, 2015 PROCIGAR Festival Santiago, Dominican Republic Focus: cigar event February 23-27, 2015 Habanos Festival 2015 Havana, Cuba Focus: cigar event February 24-26, 2015 AWMA Marketplace & Solutions Expo Las Vegas NV USA Focus: convenience store distributor expo/conf. April 21-23, 2015 NATO SHOW Las Vegas, NV USA Focus: tobacco products & accessories exhibition May 2-3, 2015 Shishamesse/Hookahfair/ Vaporfair Frankfurt, Germany, Focus: shisha, e-cigarettes, hookah May 10-14, 2015 Tax Free Asia Pacific Singapore Focus: dutyfree exhibition & conference May 12-14, 2015 World Tobacco North America Richmond VA USA Focus: tobacco equipment, machinery leaf May 18-19, 2015 Tobacco Merchants Assn Conference Williamsburg, VA USA Focus: tobacco conference June 17-18, 2015 Vapor World Expo Rosemont IL USA Focus: e-cigarettes October 20-23, 2015 Tabexpo London Focus: tobacco equipment, machinery leaf

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