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54 tobaccoasia / Issue 2, 2015 (May/June) A few definitions… Air-curing One of the four main methods of curing, which involves removing all of the natu- ral sap and moisture from tobacco leaves. Air-curing is a natural drying process in which harvested tobacco leaves are hung to dry in an air-curing barn. The barn is a wooden structure that can be either closed completely or ventilated, depending on weather conditions. The barn is closed to conserve moisture in dry conditions; in wet conditions, moisture is removed by opening vents in the roof and/or opening side walls that are specially constructed for this purpose. For the most part, air-cured tobacco is dried with natural heat; however, humid weather conditions may require a limited amount of artificial heat. Tobacco that has been air-cured is typically brown in color. Dark air-cured tobacco A type of tobacco which is distinguished from other types of tobacco primarily by the fermentation process it undergoes. Fermentation gives dark air-cured tobacco its medium to dark brown color and distinct aroma. seeds in East Java (later known as the TBN, Tem- bakau Bawah Naungan or undershade grown), Pi- loto seeds in East Java (known as the Javano), and Connecticut tobaccos in Central Java. Besuki is widely employed in machine-made cigars as well as for bobbins used in the manufac- turing of machine-made cigars. In general, the Java tobacco is powerful and makes excellent wrappers, binders, and some long fillers. One of the largest tobacco brokers, G. Harke- ma B.V, which was founded in 1872, opened a service office in Jember (East Java) in 1991 and has established close relationships with growers and packers of dark air-cured tobacco in the area. It has become a leading player on the Indonesian scene, enabling cigar manufacturers to acquire the best wrappers, binders, and fillers suitable for their products. Rough estimates for the total production of Indonesian wrapper stand at 1,400 tons, Java Besuki binder at 650 tons, and Java Besuki filler at 5,000 tons; Harkema's share is around half of these volumes. As per a new European legislation, "eco- cigarillos" now need to be wrapped with a natu- ral wrapper instead of a sheet as before, and the Indonesian dark air-cured tobacco seems to have found a new market with these "eco-cigarillos" sold mainly in Germany and Spain. Somewhat of a newcomer on the cigar tobac- co-growing map is China and its widely publicized plantations on Hainan island, especially for long fillers. Thanks to its cooperation with international Curing Curing barn Tobacco packing in the old days