Key Milwaukee

September 2015

An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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PARKS u Boerner Botanical Gardens/ Whitnall Park, Fifty-two acres of formal gardens. Garden hours are 8am–6pm, seven days a week.. 9400 Boerner Dr., Hales Corners. (414) 525-5600. u Lakeshore State Park 17-acre park lo- cated on Lake Michigan adjacent to Summer- fest and Discovery World. (414) 273-1173. u Milwaukee County Zoo Home to 2,500 rare and wild animals. Through Sept. 7, 9am- 5pm. Sept. 8-Oct. 31 9am-4:30pm. Entrance gates close 45 minutes prior to closing time. Open 365 days a year. 10001 W. Bluemound Rd. (414) 771-3040. u Milwaukee Riverwalk Six blocks on both sides of the river from Highland Ave. to the Historic Third Ward. u Mitchell Park Conservatory, The Domes One-of-a-kind horticultural facility featuring arid, rain for- est and show domes. 9am-5pm Mon.-Fri., 9am- 4pm Sat. & Sun. 524 S. Layton Blvd. (414) 257-5611. u Schlitz Audubon Center 185 acres on Lake Michigan, with 6 miles of hiking trails & a 60-ft. observation tower. 1111 E. Brown Deer Rd. (414) 352-2880. RENTALS u Lakeshore Paddle Sport Rentals One hour paddleboat rentals allow visitors to paddle around the Maritime Water Basin beside Discovery World, and the Quiet Water Basin between Lakeshore State Park and the Summerfest grounds. 10am to 7pm (last boats leave dock at 6pm) Daily, weather permit- ting, thru Labor Day. South dock of Discovery World (414) 217-7235 MUSEUMS u Milwaukee Art Museum During construction, the collections are off view through fall. Exhibitions, educational offerings, and special programs continue. 10am-5 pm Tues.-Sun. and until 8pm on Thurs. 700 N. Art Museum Dr. (414) 224-3200. 22 Attractions Museums, landmarks, parks and more Milwaukee Art Museum Harley-Davidson Museum Miller Park

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