Key Milwaukee

September 2015

An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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F E S T I V A L S | W I N E & H A R V E S T F E S T I V A L S E P T . 1 9 1 0 A M - 6 P M & S E P T . 2 0 1 0 A M - 5 P M , C E D A R B U R G Celebrate fall in Historic Cedarburg at the 43rd Annual Wine & Harvest Festival. For a quick shuttle around town, hop aboard a tractor- drawn hayride wagon and hear the live music featured at several locations both days. Entries for the Scarecrow Contest are displayed throughout the historic district, while Pumpkin Carver extraordinaire Steve Dahlke turns large pumpkins into grotesque faces at the City Hall Lawn on Saturday. Art on the Avenue features more than 250 juried artist booths. The Cedarburg Cultural Center, W62 N546 Washington Ave., displays the Cedarburg Artists Guild's annual juried Fall Show. The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts, located east of downtown, offers special exhibits and activities. Purchase some of fall's bounty at the Farmer's Market, while Wisconsin- made foods such as honey, syrup, cheese, sausage and jellies are available in the Marketplace. Also at the Marketplace, find unique handbags, hats, skin care products and more. The festival Food Court features unique items like the Harvest Apple Brat. 4 3 r d a n n u a l Wine & Harvest Festival Originally, the wines of Cedar Creek Winery and Wisconsin's homegrown produce and artisan foods were the inspiration for this free, family-oriented event. Photo by Mark Bertieri

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