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work up the ladder A healthy workplace is a happy workplace. Whether you want to promote a healthy lifestyle or encourage better ways to combat stress, area experts share inspiration for boosting health on the job A Well Workplace Build partnerships and group involvement: We have had many wellness initiatives at Web- crafters, but my favorite is our latest effort to help employees stay fi t. We teamed with Anytime Fitness to offer employees and their spouses complimentary access to their facilities for eight weeks. We had 126 employees participate, some who had never worked out before. We combined weekly weigh-ins with lifestyle challenges and lost a total of 801 pounds. Diane Aaroen Wellness and benefi ts specialist, Webcrafters, Inc. 34 BRAVA Magazine February 2012 Look for solutions big and small: Our approach is multifaceted. We have annual healthy eating campaigns and facilitate an organic garden, hiking paths and workout facilities at our offi ces. We've also opened a Wellness Center, which offers employees non-emergency health care and support in meeting their wellness goals. Essentially, we've found that wellness needs to be more than just an annual event, it needs to be part of the balance in daily work life. Jan Zimmerman Nurse practitioner, Promega Wellness Center Go slow to go fast: A steady approach to promoting wellness has helped us create a lasting emphasis on health with our employees. Each year we develop new programs, from on-site fi tness classes and weight- loss campaigns to wellness cookouts and more. The program attracts participation from more than 80 percent of employees by tying employee health scores to our insurance program. Our employees say it helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Abigail Nadler Health promotion adviser, M3 Insurance Solutions for Business Photos by Shanna Wolf