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Export focus is not new Exports have been a safety valve. by Geraldine Warner T 120 100 60 80 40 20 0 he Washington apple industry was exporting a significant per- centage of its crop, long before the Washington Apple Commis- sion was formed. In 1930, seven million boxes, or 25 percent of the crop, were sold overseas. Until the 1970s, most exports went to Europe and were not considered prof- itable. Overseas markets were a safety valve that would accept small sizes that were not wanted on the domestic market, former commission manager Joe Brownlow recalled in a 1987 interview. Washington apple production and exports exports. I think the whole industry was really behind addressing the international trade relations issues," he said. Exports have totaled between about 30 and 36 million boxes—about a third of the crop—for the past decade. Current President Todd Fryhover said that with an export budget of $5.3 million (including $4.8 million in federal Market Access Program funds), the commission has had to focus on markets with the most potential to have a positive impact on grower returns. For example, it no longer has a presence in Canada, because ship- pers can run their own promotions there, just as they do in the United States. However, boosting Washington apple sales in many foreign markets will depend on reducing tariffs or eliminating phytosanitary barriers, he added. The commission provides about $450,000 in funding annually to the Northwest Horticultural Council, which works on international trade issues and represents the Northwest fruit industry on federal political matters. It also provides about $900,000 to the U.S. Apple Association, which represents the apple industry nationally. • EXPORTS TOTAL CROP SEASON SOURCE: Yakima Valley Growers-Shippers Association As the Europeans developed their own fruit-growing industries after the Second World War or imported from nearby countries, U.S. exports plummeted. In the 1970s, as Red Delicious began to dominate the Washington industry, impor- tant new opportunities began to unfold in the Pacific Rim countries, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Starting in 1984, while Tom Hale was president, the commission made use of federal Targeted Export Promotion funds to promote Washington apples overseas. Washington's apple exports grew from around 5 million boxes in the mid-1980s to 30 million a decade later. "We said, it's a priority with these rising crops that we find outlets, and we under- stood clearly that the domestic market was saturated to a large degree," he recalled. "We wanted to find a home out- side the United States. All those things came together and that resulted in a very nice growth spurt for Washington apple GOOD FRUIT GROWER MARCH 15, 2012 25 MILLIONS OF BOXES 1998-1982 1985-1986 1990-1991 1995-1996 2000-2001 2005-2006 2010-2011