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GOOD TO GO For a complete listing of upcoming events, check the Calendar at MARCH March 24–31 Apples in New Zealand, technical tour with WeCu, Inc. Contact Susan Pheasant, (509) 421-0358 or e-mail March 26–29 International IPM Symposium, Memphis Cook Convention Center, Memphis, Tennessee. A cross-disciplinary, global event for professionals in integrated pest management. Agricultural research will be presented to highlight new and emerging tools in the pest management toolbox. For more information, go to www.ipm APRIL April 2–4 International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling Systems for Fruit and Nuts, Hyatt Place Orlando/University Hotel, Orlando, Florida, hosted by the University of Florida. For more information, check the Web site http://conference JUNE June 18–21 2nd International Organic Fruit Research Symposium, Icicle Inn, Leavenworth, Washington. For information, check the Web site at organicfruit2012/ or contact David Granatstein at JULYJuly 26–27 IFTA Quebec Study Tour 2012. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For more information, visit the IFTA Web site AUGUST August 8–11 ILAC 2012 to be held in London, Ontario, Canada. This international symposium brings together leadership graduates in agriculture from around the world. Visit for details. Clearance SALE! TurboMist Sprayer, S24 P400 $14,900 Limited supply available NH T4040F, 2WD, 85 HP Rental Returns 110 to 190 hrs Boomer 50 4WD Rental Returns 330 to 440 hrs "Serving "Your Ag Area FarmersEquipment Since 1939" 800-827-5138 1308 East Mead YAKIMA,WA 509-457-8105 QUALITY SERVICE QUALITY PARTS 927 Wenatchee Ave WENATCHEE,WA 509-888-0355 NH TN85FA, 4WD $22,500 (cash) GOOD FRUIT GROWER MARCH 15, 2012 47 Specialist" I saved big by getting in on Preseason Savings at Burrows Tractor Spring