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GOOD JOB Industry people in the news. For the full stories, go to www.good Call for: • TREES • ROOTSTOCK • INTERSTEMS • BENCH GRAFTS • SLEEPING EYES • ROYALTIES B.C. fruit growers honored G reg Norton, a third- generation orchardist of Oliver, British Colum- bia, Canada, and his wife, Chris, received the Soft Fruit Award for 2011 from the B.C. Fruit Growers' Association at the recent B.C. Tree Fruit Horticul- tural Symposium. Avtar and Ronnie Mann of Vernon received the Golden Apple Award, and Rawd Potter of Summerland received the Compact Orchard Award. The Nortons have 20 acres of cherries and 6 acres of peaches. They have their own packing line and market the fruit through Graeme Nelson. Half their fruit is exported, and the rest is sold in western Canada. They also sell dried cherries via the Internet. Avtar and Ronnie Mann worked for David Geen at Coral Beach Farms before leasing their first orchard in 2005. They now have 17.5 acres of orchard and a 1.5-acre nursery. Rawd Potter grew up in the orchard industry and has 17 acres of apples and pears. He grows Ambrosia, Gala, and Spartan apples, and earned the Compact Orchard Award on the basis of his Ambrosia block, which has 2,900 trees per acre. It yielded 68 bins per acre in 2011 with 91 percent of the fruit graded Extra Fancy. s TOP QUALITY VIRUS TESTED VERY COMPETITIVE PRICING CONTRACTS FOR 2013, 2014, 2015 Custom Contracted Apple, Pear, Cherry & Peach Trees A TIMELY REMINDER: • Time to order 2013 Dormant Eyes, 2014 and 2015 Trees, and 2013 Rootstocks. Paul Tvergyak: 509-669-0689 We ship nationwide, so please call for price and availability! 509/662-6931 1261 Ringold Rd., PO Box 300 • Eltopia, WA 99330 6 APRIL 1, 2012 GOOD FRUIT GROWER D Washington Hort hires new communications director S tephanie Chance has joined the Washington State Horticultural Association as director of communica- tions. She has a bachelor's degree in agricultural econom- ics and a master's degree in agrobusiness from Washington State University and previously worked in sales at Stemilt Growers, Inc., Wenatchee. She succeeds Lynette Smith. s Pipfruit NZ has new CEO represents growers, packers, and exporters of apples and pears in New Zealand. He is a chartered accountant with experience in management of large law firms. Pollard succeeds Peter Beaven, who has assumed a part-time role as special projects manager. A S s Holtzinger promotes Hanses cott Hanses, former vice president at Holtzinger Fruit Company in Yakima, Washington, has been promoted Rawd Potter to chief operating officer. Hanses joined the company's sales and marketing staff in 2002 and later became sales manager. The company has appointed Lawna Wyatt as vice president of fruit procurement. She was previously director of fruit procurement at Tree Top, Inc. s Michigan Apple Committee names interim director enise Donohue, who has been executive director of the Michigan Apple Committee for the last eight years, left the apple research, education, and promotion organization to start a marketing services business with her husband, William. Diane Smith, the director of administration and finance with 16 years at the Michigan Apple Committee, will take over as interim director. The Michigan Apple Committee is a grower-funded, nonprofit organization. Chair Scott Lewis said the board will take 6 to 12 months to decide how best to fill Donohue's position. "Do we need an executive director as in the past, or do we need a different model? Diane is very capable of handling things until we decide." lan Pollard has been appointed chief executive officer of Pipfruit New Zealand, Inc., an organization that Ronnie Mann Avtar Mann Greg Norton HIGHEST QUALITY FRUIT TREES !