Good Fruit Grower
April 1
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Articles in this issue
Few alternatives to H- 2A program
Watch asparagus and blueberries for labor trends
Housing helps attract workers
Will there be immigration reform after Novemeber?
H- 2A basics: The program can stabilize your work force, but with costs, haedaches.
Seasonal workers in Canada essential, but costly
USA Farmers seek reform: Employers unite to push for reform of guest-worker program.
Irrigation system pros and cons: No single system is right for everyone.
How to irrigate efficiently
Underground drip irrigation system serves two purposes: It disposes of wastewater and irrigates trees. two purposes: It disposes of wastewater and irrigates trees.
WSU releases promising apple
WSU clinic can diagnose crop ailments
Rescue treatment for fireblight studied
New York growers on alert for strep-resistant fireblight
MCP alternative tested
Brown marmorated stinkbug watch
Eye-to-eye with consumers: Retail marketi shapes orchards and practices at Hollabaugh
Aiming for efficiency in British Columbia
From pie to health food: Tart cherry industry is gradually transforming its image.
Good to know: Irrigating cherry orchards efficiently
Leafroller challenges cherry growers
Check at harvest for little cherry disease
Contain root growth
DNA test identifies pathogens in tainted foods
Are Washingtons Merlots Sideways? Merlots lagging sales are more a reflection of lack of marketing than of wine quality
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