Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/608970
In this ISSUE W elcome to the December 2015 issue of Water Well Journal. The final issue of the year focuses on the state of the industry as we move into 2016. First off is the cover story on what the future holds for the groundwater industry with the baby boomer generation retiring in the coming years. In "The Great Drilling Crew Change: As Boomers Retire, What's Next?" by freelance writer Lana Straub on page 20, Straub likens the water well industry to the oil and gas field's impending demographic shift. Straub explores var- ious issues surrounding this trending topic, including if older workers don't retire, will there be enough jobs for younger workers to fill? She also highlights federal labor data arguing the 2008 Great Re- cession caused more decline in the construction industry than re- tirees. Straub cites the Bureau of Labor Statistics that said several professions associated with the groundwater industry are expected to grow quite a bit between 2012 and 2022. Senior Editor Mike Price checks in with steel water well casing suppliers on how business has been in light of the energy sector caus- ing a drop in steel prices. In "Staying Strong" on page 25, Price chats with water well casing suppliers on what the water well market has been like and what it might look like in the future. Low oil prices have caused an influx of competitors from the energy sector to enter the water well market, intensifying an already tight, competitive mar- ketplace. In the accompanying sidebar article, the National Ground Water Association's ANSI/NGWA-01-14 Water Well Construction Standard section on casing and the installation of casing is highlighted. Bob Mansfield recaps a small water utility district using aquifer storage and re- covery (ASR) in Warren, Oregon, where a single well increased its water system storage capacity by 600% for considerably less cost than the steel above-ground reservoir it originally considered. In "A Second Use" on page 29, Mansfield ex- plains the water utility district provides water for domestic and light commercial purposes to more than 2000 customers. It recently received the second permanent ASR license to be awarded in Oregon. Safety Matters concludes the year with a timely installment on working in cold temperatures, "Keeping the Chill Out" on page 34. Alexandra Walsh provides useful information to know before heading out on a job site, including recommendations for the employer and for the employee. Although OSHA doesn't have a specific standard that covers working in a cold environment, employers have a respon- sibility to provide a workplace free from hazards causing or likely to cause serious physical harm. Training all employees about the dangers of cold temperatures is essential. William Lynott's latest Your Money column advises what to do when the stock market goes into a serious correction and prices fall in "Resisting Panic" on page 52. So what should you do during a market correction? Perhaps . . . nothing, say many financial professionals. Lynott speaks with Van- guard Fund's chairman and CEO who says often the wisest thing to do during periods of extreme market volatility is stick with the investment plan you've already devised. Lynott goes on to say "equity markets have reaped sizable gains over the past six years. Such setbacks, while unnerving, are in- evitable." He concludes by saying you need to continue investing on a regular basis regardless of fluctuations in market prices and reminds readers the more you invest when market prices are down, the more you will benefit when prices rebound. Disclaimer Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association provide information for guid- ance and information purposes only. This publi- cation is not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice. The information contained herein has been compiled from sources deemed reliable and it is accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief; however, Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association cannot guarantee as to its accuracy, completeness, and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed. Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association do not accept any liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused in reliance upon such information. Reader agrees to assume al l risk resulting from the application of any of the information provided by Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association. Trademarks and copyrights mentioned within Water Well Journal are the ownership of their respective companies. The names of products and services presented are used only in an edu- cational fashion and to the benefit of the trade- mark and copyright owner, with no intenti on of infringing on trademarks or copyrights. No endorsement of any third-party products or services is expressed or implied by any infor- mation, material, or content referred to in the Water Well Journal. Subscriptions/Back Issues For questions, changes or problems with your subscription call Katie Neer. Subscriptions: Water well contractors and other qualified groundwater industry personnel in U.S. and Ca nada — free; others in U.S. — $115 per year; $15 per copy. Canada – $135 per year; $24 per copy. International: $150 per year; $35 per copy. Subscriptions available through NGWA offices only. We reserve the right to re- fuse subscriptions to anyone not directly en- gaged in the groundwater industry. Claims for missing issues must be made in writing within three months of publication and will be subject to the availability of back issues. Advertising Disclaimer Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content (including text, repre- sentation, and illustrations) of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the pub- lisher. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that it believes is not in keeping with the publ ication's standards or is deemed unsuitable or misleading. Mike Price Aleaxndra Walsh William Lynott 8 December 2015 WWJ waterwelljournal.com Lana Straub