Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/608970
Improvement in new construction by itself doesn't guarantee we'll see more wells being drilled but it is an indicator. Jeff Stephens, in "Staying Strong", page 25 When you're calculating safety, don't forget to include wind chill . On a 40° day with a 35-mile- per-hour wind blowing, the temperature your exposed skin is experiencing is not 40°—it's 11°! Alexandra Walsh, in "Keeping the Chill Out", page 34 December PUNCH LIST The January issue of Water Well Journal will bring in 2016 with a focus on well maintenance . Included will be a feature on how to diagnose well problems and the start of a series on well development issues. Groundwater is the world's most extracted raw material with withdrawal rates currently in the estimated range of 982 km 3 /year. Jean Margat and Jac van der Gun, in the book, Groundwater Around the World Being out of the market—even for a short time—during a major rebound can result in the loss of considerable wealth-building profits. William J. Lynott, in "Resisting Panic", page 52 I think about customers at this time of year. How did we do by our customers? What could we do to make the customer experience better? How can we earn more of their business? Ron Slee, in "Tis the End of the Year", page 50 Some construction industries are suffering a great loss of talented craftsmen and craftswomen as baby boomers retire . In some circles . . . they are referring to this phenomenon as the "Great Crew Change." Lana Straub, in "The Great Drilling Crew Change: As Boomers Retire, What's Next?", page 20 84 December 2015 WWJ waterwelljournal.com