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GOOD TO GO For a complete listing of upcoming events, check the Calendar at Unusual weather advances date of fruit crop Guesstimate T he 57th Annual Fruit Crop Guessti- mate will be held on June 6, nearly three weeks ahead of its usual time. Unusually warm weather across the east- ern United States was the reason for moving the date of the Guesstimate ahead. The Guesstimate, sponsored by the Michigan Frozen Food Packers Associa- tion, will be held at the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on June 6 at 2:30 p.m. The date of the Guesstimate had initially been set for June 27. A reception will follow. The registration fee is $75 per person and includes meeting materials and the reception. For more information, contact the Michigan Frozen Food Packers Associa- tion at 4747 S. Elm Valley Rd., Suttons Bay, MI 49682; phone (231) 271-5752, fax (231) 271-5753 or e-mail K. Terry Morrison at MAYMay 8–22 Washington Farm Labor Association/Moss Adams LLP Webinar Series: Fraud and Embezzlement; Business Succession Planning; Key Employee Retention. For details and registration, go to May 19 Fruit Label Swap Meet, Yakima Valley Museum, Yakima, Washington. Contact Del Bice, (509) 966-2844. May 30-31 Pear Bureau Northwest annual meeting and Fresh Pear Committee meeting, Portland Airport Embassy Suites Hotel, Portland, Oregon. For information, call (503) 652-9720. JUNE June 3–5 Food Logistics Forum, Royal Sonesta Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana. For information, visit food-logistics-forum. June 5–6 MRL (Maximum Residue Level) Workshop, Holiday Inn Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California. For information, go to the California Specialty Crops Council Web site at June 6 Fruit Crop Guesstimate, Amway Grand Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Reception following. Registration, $75. For more information, contact the Michigan Frozen Food Packers Association, K. Terry Morrison, e-mail, or call (231) 271-5752. June 18–21 2nd International Organic Fruit Research Symposium, Icicle Inn, Leavenworth, Washington. For information, check the Web site at or contact David Granatstein at June 18–29 Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops Short Course, University of California, Davis, Calfornia. One week of lec- tures/labs, second week (optional) field tours. For informa- tion, call (530) 752-6941 or visit http://postharvest.ucdavis. edu/education/ptshortcourse/. June 26-27 Food Safety Exchange Conference, Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare, Chicago, Illinois. For information, visit ttp:// JULYJuly 26-27 Moteur de Vine Motorcycle Ride, Olympica Peninsula, Washington State. Benefit for Walter Clore Wine and Culinary Center in Prosser, Washington. Contact or call (509) 786-1000. July 27–29 International Fruit Tree Association's Quebec Study Tour 2012. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For more information, visit the IFTA Web site 2012Study Tour. Amano Time Clocks Save You Money With automatic hours calculation right on the card, the MJR-7000 saves you time AND money every day. Come in today and learn how you can control your labor costs with an Amano time clock. 310 E. Chestnut, Yakima, WA 98901 509-453-7115 q 800-327-9198 Serving Central Washington for over 100 Years 40 MAY 1, 2012 GOOD FRUIT GROWER