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CLASSIFIED AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY of your home, orchard, or packing plant by a professional. John Marshall has sup- plied over fifty cover shots for the Good Fruit Grower. Call 509-665-6451. 58181 BIRD CONTROL WILSON IS THE LEADER in custom bird netting programs for all types of crops. Full line of bangers and bird irritant items. Call 509-453-9983. 58181 NATURAL CONTROL. The American Kestrel Falcon will give you LOW COST bird control. Call Ben at Orchard Guard: 509-910-6598, www.orchard 58183 BLUEBERRY PLANTS BLUEBERRY NURSERY STOCK. Our focus is customer success. Best variety selection. Plants available now. Impec- cable service and grower support. Fall Creek Nursery, www.fallcreeknursery .com, 800-538-3001. 58185 CROWN GALL CONTROL GALLTROL: THE MOST effective pre- vention of crown gall disease for 30 years! Unlike other crown gall control products that are made overseas and months prior, GALLTROL is produced DAILY in our California laboratory. Each plate of GALLTROL contains over 120 billion freshly-grown, vigorous bacterial cells that aggressively colo- nize wounds to block infection. For GALLTROL, call 530-586-1561; www. or e-mail: agbiochem 58229 EQUIPMENT REPAIR ALUMINUM ORCHARD LADDER re - pair: We repair all brands of alumi num ladders. Tallman factory author ized. Call for drop off locations or pick-up. 509-884-1750 or 509-669-2822. 56928 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FIND EQUIPMENT for your farming operation at Wilson's. www.farmit BLUEBERRY MECHANICAL Harvester, perfect shape, $5000. FOB Searcy, Ar., 1-800-458-4756. 58307 FROST PROTECTION FROST OR FREEZEprotection got you down? Warm up with AgHeat's propane heater to protect you crops. Call or e-mail,, 541-400-4875. 58191 FRUIT TREES STAN PETERSON FRUIT Tree Sales, representing the nation's premier fruit tree nurseries to serve you, the grower, with the best. Call 888-333-1464, or e- mail, for the newest apple varieties, sweet and tart cherries, peaches and more. 58209 FUMIGATION TRIDENT AGRICULTURAL Products, Inc., specializing in soil fumigation for orchards, vineyards, hops, berries, nurseries, and other crops. Hood River or The Dalles, 971-563-8848; Yakima and Wenatchee, 509-728-2004; Eastern Washington and Columbia Basin, 509- 731-5424; Northwest Washington, 360- 630-4285. 58209 GOOD FRUIT GROWER ADS WORK FOR YOU! again .com. Used equipment, buy/sell. 58187 CUSTOM ORCHARD fumigation Re- plant ing? No job too small. Call now to schedule your 2012 applications. 509- 687-9572 Serving all of Washington. Visit us at CustomOrchardFumigation .com 56905 EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE ASSISTANT ORCHARD Manager- Hudson Valley fruit & veggie farm seeks hardworking individual with farm experience. Job involves techni- cal aspects of fruit production (nutri- ent, weed, irrigation, and pest control) in addition to field work, harvest, packing, marketing. Unique opportu- nity to work with an experienced team growing and selling premium eco-cer- tified produce to the local market. Long-term position available for the right person. Contact info@fishkill 58028 WASHINGTON STATE University (WSU) Extension Tree Fruit Program Leader; 100% Extension, 12-month, tenure or non-tenure track faculty position at the associate professor or professor rank. Required: PhD in an agricultural science or related disci- pline and qualified for appointment as an associate professor or professor in WSU Extension Program Unit and/or a department in the College of Agricul- tural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences. Preferred qualifications: Extensive knowledge of and experi- ence with perennial agricultural pro- duction systems; demonstrated experience in an Extension programs utilizing modern information and technology transfer tools in tree fruit or other perennial cropping systems; evidence of success in obtaining grants, gifts and in-kind resources to support programs; demonstrated abil- ity to effectively communicate and col- laborate with academic professionals, support staff, and diverse constituen- cies; demonstrated leadership ability or experience in developing and exe- cuting interdisciplinary programs; demonstrated understanding of issues and opportunities involving Extension in tree fruit or other perennial crop- ping systems; Ph.D. in horticulture with strong background in field of tree fruit horticulture; demonstrated ability to conduct applied research in tree fruit or other perennial cropping sys- tems; demonstrated ability to interact effectively with external constituen- cies, such as producer associations, agribusinesses, and other organiza- tions and agencies' evidence of estab- lishing new or novel partnerships with educational institutions, government agencies or private industry; demon- strated ability to work effectively with individuals and groups with diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies. Screening of application materials will begin on May 13, 2012. For position description listing all qualifications and application process, visit: Official title: Area Extension Educator. Be prepared to submit a detailed letter of application addressing the required and preferred qualifications, a statement of vision and goals, a detailed resume/vita with publications list, and the names, addresses, and contact information for four (4) professional references. For questions about position contact Darla Ewald, 509-663-8181 ext. 250, EEO/AA/ADA. 58305 GRAFTING SALVADOR ZARAGOSA professional grafting, chip budding, and budding bench grafting. We guarantee 95% take. Mobile, 509-961-2986. 57839 PROFESSIONAL GRAFTING and ser - vice. Small and large acreage. 20 years' experience. Jose Mendez, 509-584- 0034 or (mobile) 509-949-1321. 58193 COATES GRAFTING COMPANY, spe- cializing in top working cherries. Over 35 years experience. Ken Coates, 509- 662-1882; 509-668-0262 (mobile).58195 GRAFTING AND BUDDING supplies. Two types graft machines, waxes, bud- ding rubbers. Top of the line grafting knives, online, 509-453-9983. 58199 FULL SERVICE FIELD grafting includ- ing chainsawing. Over 25 years' expe- rience with practically same crew for over 15 years. Gary McMonagle Graft- ing. 509-669-1686. 58197 IRRIGATION FISH SCREENS: COMPLIANT self- cleaning intake screens, many sizes available. Custom Technology, 800- 333-5246, 57018 MINI SPRINKLERS, 2" spin filters, cheap, 406-982-3272. 58283 MARKET RIGHTS TREE TOP MARKET Rights, 900 for 88sale. Phone 509-834-1867 58201 ORCHARD LEASES LEASING FARMS. DEDICATED and experienced farmer interested in leas- ing apple, cherry, and pear farms in eastern Washington. Call 509-480- 2196. 55871 ORCHARD SUPPLIES WILSON IS YOUR SOURCE for all types of fabric and plastics used in farming. Shade, wind screens, green- house films, and mulches. 509-453- 9983. 58203 WILSON'S HIGH Spanish style green - house tunnels. Early and in creased production and crop protection. 800-232-1174. 58205 PACKING EQUIPMENT CIDERSURE UV Treater - Model 5500 250-300 GPH for juice with minimal filtering. Price $14,000. Call Curt at 302-632-8028. 58302 FOR SALE: NEST/STACK Ropak Har- vesting Lugs. Herb Barber & Sons (800) 388-5384 or (716) 326-4692. E-mail:, herb-bar Used lugs available. 58268 CHERRY SIZERS :Two 2007 Red Pearl 10 Lane cherry sizers. 17 drops with optical sizing, color sorting and bruise detection. Well maintained, excellent condition $249,000. Contact Dale Davis (509) 733-0026, daled@chelan- 57205 PORTABLE HYDROCOOLER and cherry sorting tables. 206-321-8378. 58207 THE NEXT AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION Edited by Dr. Kent Mullinix and published by Good Fruit Grower, this book will be a valuable reference. A must-read for anyone in agri culture who expects to compete in the next decade, The Next Agricultural Revolution is the product of a futuristic short course on the Family Farm in Washington State. SHIPPING: $3.50 for first book–inside U.S.A. Add $2.00 for each additional book. No shipping charges apply for subscription orders. Foreign customers, please call or e-mail for shipping information. ORDER FROM: Good Fruit Grower at 1-800-487-9946 (local number 509- 853-3520). or GOOD FRUIT GROWER MAY 1, 2012 45 SPRAYERS COMPLETE LINE of mist sprayers. Swihart Sales Company, Quinter, KS. 800-864-4595, 58038 TREE TRAINING TREE TRAINING and trellis supplies online at 58211 ROOTSTOCKS TRECO® Buy from the industry leader. TRECO has supplied 60 percent of the nation's malus rootstock needs to the nurseries for more than 70 years. Go directly to the source and buy the root stocks trusted and preferred by the major nurseries: TRECO; PO Box 98, Wood - burn, OR 97071. Ph: 1-800-871-5141; fax: 503-634-2344; e-mail: rootstocks@ or Web site: ROOTSTOCKS mean quality. 56968 CARLTON PLANTS, LLC is a quality grower of virus-certified rootstocks and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Apple: M9-NIC, M26, M7, M25, MM106, MM111, domestic. Cherry: Mazzard, Mahaleb. Pear: cal - leryana, communis. Plum: M29C, St. Julian. For questions or to place an order, please call our sales department, 800-398-8733 or fax 800-442-1452. 57993 FIRDALE NURSERY, certified apple rootstocks: EMLA 7, EMLA 26, EMLA 106, EMLA 111, M 9 (337) and BUD 9. Beaverton, Oregon. 503-628-2755.57658 COPENHAVEN FARMS NURSERY. "We're at the Root of The Business." Quality Oregon-grown rootstock and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Specializing in virus-free apple, cherry, plum, and pear root- stock since 1982. Christopher and Marilyn Dolby 503-985-7161; Fax: 503- 985-7876. E-mail: copenhavenfarms, www.copenhavenfarms. com. 56851 WILLAMETTE NURSERIES offers Ore- gon-grown, virus-certified fruit tree rootstock, including popular 9 clones and fruit tree seedlings (apple, cherry, pear and plum.) Excellent quality, rea- sonably priced. Outstanding service. Visit our updated Web site, including availabilities, at: www.willamettenur Nurseries, 25571 S. Barlow Rd., Canby, OR 97013. 800- 852-2018, 503-263-6405, E-mail: 58257 509-853-3520 800-487-9946 509-853-3521 fax classified advertising is effective and economical STAKES / POSTS / POLES QUALITY PAYS—PRINCETONWood Pre servers pressure-treated posts, poles. Quoted by truckload. #10-477 Martin St., Penticton, B.C. V2A 5L2. Plant phone: 250-492-9190, fax: 250- 492- 175, toll free, 877-797-7678. E- mail:; Web: www. 58211 POSTS, POLES, AND STAKES: Pres - sure treated in the USA. Vari ous sizes and lengths. Untreated available for organic growers. Jasper En ter prises, Inc.; PO Box 102; Chat taroy, WA 99003; phone 800-238-6540; or e-mail sales@ 57348 STEEL APPLE and grape trellis. Cus- tom systems available. Bamboo, treated wood, top of the line quality and service. Online catalog. Wilson Vine yard and Orchard Supply, Yakima, W ashington. 509-453-9983, www.wil 58213 PANHANDLE FOREST PRODUCTS: Quality posts, poles, and stakes. CCA pressure-treated, with delivery. Par ti al loads. 888-289-7678; www.panhandle .com. 57539 TREE SPREADERS FANTASTIC PRICING! Cedar spread- ers, last and last! Steel point and notched – 4 to 6 inches. U-make pro- grams. Cedarbrook Lumber, 800-634- 6334. 58219 BEST PRICING: notched and nailed. Wilson, 509-453-9983. 58217 "V" SPREADER, Eastern contact: 519- 599-2299; Western contact: 209-484- 8502. 58215 FOR SALE: Used tree spreaders, 509- 845-4389. 58304 WIND MACHINES CHINOOK WIND MACHINES, sales/ service. All makes, new/used. H.F. Hauff Company, Inc., 509-248-0318. 58223 CASCADE WIND MACHINE Service, distributor of Orchard-Rite® 58227 58225 machines. PO Box 9308; Yakima, WA 98909, phone 509-457-9196; Wenat - chee, WA 509-662-2753; British Colum - bia, 604-495-7873. wind WIND MACHINE SALES: sales/ser - vice, new and used wind machines. 509-877-2138.