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Grapes QUALITY FRUIT DESERVES A QUALITY RIDE! State funding moves wine center forward Enough funding is now in A hand to begin the project. by Melissa Hansen campaign to build a wine science center at Washington State University Tri-Cities got a big push from the state budget that was approved in mid-April. Five million dollars included in the state capital and supplemental budget moves groundbreaking for the new center to 2013. WSU has been working for several years to raise money for the $23.25-million, three-story wine science center that would feature a gravity flow research and teaching winery, grape and wine analysis laboratory, controlled temperature rooms, filtration and bot- tling equipment, class- rooms, and offices. The wine science center is also envisioned to include a teaching vineyard, regional and international wine library, and greenhouses. "With the new state "With the new state money, we can say we have a building." —Carolyn Troy money, we can say we have a building," said Car- olyn Troy, senior director of development for WSU's Col- lege of Agriculture, Human and Natural Resource Sciences. Only $2 to 3 million still needs to be raised for the building portion of the center, she noted. The build- ing itself is estimated to cost $15.25 million. Another $7.5 to 8 million is needed for equipment. "Things will now start moving very rapidly," Troy said. Troy's counterpart at WSU Tri-Cities, Sharon Holden, said that 46 architectural firms submitted proposals for the preliminary design bid. WSU will announce its selec- tion in May. After the six-month preliminary design phase, an assessment of finances in place will be made to determine how much or if all of the project can be built. Construction is likely to begin in the fall of 2013 and take 18 to 24 months. With a timeline and tangible results at hand, the pri- vate fundraising effort is aggressively moving forward. "The fundraising efforts have been phenomenal now that the project is becoming reality, and there is great momentum," Holden said. The wine science center will help meet growing research and production needs by developing ways to improve wine grape production and wine quality, says Dr. Thomas Henick-Kling, director of WSU's Viticulture and Enology program. It will be located on 3.5 acres of land adjoining WSU donated by the Port of Benton and devel- oped by a Public Development Authority created by the City of Richland as a conduit for money raised privately and by industry. A major advantage to the wine science center housed at WSU's Tri-Cities branch will be its close proximity to wine grape production, which will allow student involvement in internships and field research projects. Henick-Kling believes the center will attract interna- tional collaborating researchers and will offer faculty, researchers, and students a centralized location for teach- ing and research. Currently, 30 faculty are part of WSU's Air-ride suspension conversions Hydraulic lift conversions. Flatbed re-arching, re-decking, shortening and air hitches. New and used straddle trailers, all sizes. New and used parts. A conceptual sketch of the new science center. viticulture and enology program doing research and extension work and are spread over two locations in Pullman and Prosser. The Washington Wine Commission has committed $7.4 million towards the wine science center, money that's being raised through assessments on grape and wine production for the next ten years. Beginning with last year's crop, the industry raised its assessment on grapes from $10 to $12 a ton and the assessment on wine from 6 to 8 cents per gallon. • CARRIER Repairs and custom fabrication. TRANSPORTS, INC. 509-452-0136 STRADDLE TRAILER MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR After Hours: JIM KUNZ 509-949-5904 VAPOR GARD® FOR CHERRIES o (with early application) SIZE b s t Using VAPOR GARD on cherries offers growers these benefits: INCREASED SIZE & YIELD REDUCED SPLITTING (from untimely rain) INCREASED SH INCREASED SHELF LIFE (greener stems) LIFE MILLER CHEMICAL & FERTILIZER CORP. 800-233-2040 SEE LABEL FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS GOOD FRUIT GROWER MAY 15, 2012 45 Sketch by terence thornhill N t G u e neri c i S u t e!