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Grapes Sustainable program for wineries launched W Winerywise was developed to help Washington State wineries improve their practices. by Melissa Hansen inerywise, the free, online guide to sustainable winemaking and winery practices developed for Washington State's wine industry, is ready for use. Educational outreach sessions are planned for the coming months to show wineries how the interactive program works, says Joy Andersen, winemaker at Snoqualmie Winery, Prosser. Andersen, who chaired the grassroots committee that developed Winerywise, helped unveil the program during a special session of the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers annual meeting. Andersen has been involved with sustainable wine practices for many years. As winemaker at Snoqualmie Winery, she's guided that winery's sustainable efforts, focusing on energy conservation projects, solid waste reduction and management, winery water quality and conservation, among others. The Snoqualmie winery facility is certified organic and produces a "Naked" line of wines that are made from certified organic grapes, although the wine itself is not organic. Snoqualmie Vineyards, with nearly 380 certified organic acres of wine grapes, has the state's largest organic wine grape acreage. Another 140 acres are in transition to be certified organic. Since 2007, the winery has published a sustainable and organics annual report to detail its sustainable proj- ects and progress, such as reducing its total winery water use from 4.2 gallons of water per gallon of wine produced in the 2005 harvest year to 2.4 gallons. Electricity con- sumption also decreased last year by 8 percent from the previous year, accomplished by replacing low-efficiency lighting and ballasts with modern fluorescent fixtures controlled by motion sensors. WE MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER! &!)$(" &!(&)$(" =)667,%2-2',)6:-()*35 2%553:75))53:64%'-2+6 +,-$& .($-( ').(- )( (1/$&& +.(($("" + $ " "!#!"! )0)--)+ )0#.--& ).& )+% +).()" +),-( )()'1!- )$(-)+%, )$(-$$!- )(/ 1)+, + $"#-- .+(1&(*+1 +, :::4,-0&53:2:)0(-2+'31 PHIL BROWN WELDING CORP. ,32) • %; • >-0) ($32/0-2-',-+%2 46 MAY 15, 2012 GOOD FRUIT GROWER 310 E. Chestnut, Yakima, WA 98901 509-453-7115 l 800-327-9198 Serving Central Washington for over 100 Years =!5%'73513827)(9%09) -6%9%-0%&0) =<(5%80-'(5-9)25300)5',%-2 *35032+61337,34)5%7-32 ="6)6);-67-2+75%'735 ,<(5%80-'6<67)1 =(.867%&0),-7',*35(-**)5)27 (5%:&%5,)-+,76 = )%513827)(%8731%7-' &3;67347345)9)2760-(-2+ Wine bottle corks are repurposed as mulch, an example of sustainable practices implemented at Snoqualmie Vineyards winery. The development of Winerywise is just in time, says Andersen, who's also a member of a national sustainabil- ity committee of the National Grape and Wine Initiative, a coalition representing all segments of the grape industry. "All segments of the grape industry are talking about sustainable practices right now. The juice grape side is already feeling pressure from their customers who want to know that the industry is following sustainable prac- tices and food and worker safety laws," she said in a phone interview with Good Fruit Grower, adding that retailer pressure on wine is not far behind. "They're coming for our industry, too." Andersen believes that the national discussion about sustainability occurring within the grape industry is pos- itive and should lead to standardization of sustainable programs. Picking Supplies Stock Pickers Tickets Same Price as Last Year! Semi-custom pickers tickets Imprinted with your name and block information Large color selection! Custom stub or punch-type tickets Unique Cherry Punches Clipboards, markers, pencils When you need it right now we carry the largest selection of office supplies in the Yakima Valley! Photo courtesy of ste. michelle wine estates Building the Best Since 1964!