City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!
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���� ����� ���� �� ���� ������� ����� �� ���� � Announcing ... The 2012 Canadian Urban Forest Conference October 2nd -4th 2012 "Back to the Forest" KLYN NURSERIES, Inc. 3322 SOUTH RIDGE RD. • P.O. BOX 343 London, Ontario's Thames River is a signature of this verdant city. To the left is the world's oldest baseball park, Labatt Park (1877). This is just one nifty site in The Forest City. Come join us in London in October! Y of City Trees; now come and experience all that "The Forest City" and surrounding area have to offer! ou have read about London, Ontario's urban forestry program and seen their tree carvings in the pages On behalf of London and the Canadian Urban Forest Conference (CUFC) organizing committee, London City Forester Ivan Listar would like to extend his personal invitation to all SMA members to be a part of "Back to the Forest." This is the largest national urban forestry conference in Canada and is held only every two years. SMA is a full partner of the conference. According to Listar, "The SMA has been critical in the organization of the conference and development of the program. Please support the contribution of SMA to the success of the conference by joining us!" CUFC 2012 will bring together government, educa- tional, private and public stakeholders, and the public in a forum where we can address our common goals of building and maintaining our urban forests. We recognize that urban forestry issues do not recognize national boundaries so there will be a variety of exciting speakers from across the continent as well as stimulat- ing topics and tours. Witness the destruction of the evil green alien! Tour a rare bog ecosystem in the heart of the city! Check out the Carolinian forest, which will be showing off its most spectacular fall colours! London is easy to get to with daily direct flights from the USA and major Canadian cities to its international airport; it is only a short two hour drive from Detroit, Buffalo, or Toronto. For more information, please see 35 PERRY, OHIO 44081 TELEPHONE: (440) 259-3811 FAX: (440) 259-3338 1-800-860-8104 DOUG YATES ����������������������������������� ��������� ���������� Call Doug to help determine your tree needs. • 1800 Species and Cultivars in Catalog • Excellent Reference and Information Guide • Diverse Tree Inventory ������ ������������ Password: route84 User Name: klyn