Good Fruit Grower

March 15

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Page 47 of 47

Idared Rock Island Red Fuji™ Rock Island Red Fuji™ Snapp™ Red Stayman Goldbar™ Apricot Redfield ® Red Braeburn Red Jonaprince Auvil Early Fuji ® Ginger Gold ® Skeena Cherry ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY... & BEYOND! Goldrich Apricot Oregon Spur ® II Honeycrisp Honeycrisp Gale Gala ® Adams Apple ® Red Delicious Skeena Cherry Adams Apple ® Red Delicious Ginger Gold ® Goldbar™ Apricot Goldrich Apricot Scarlet Spur Idared Snapp™ Red Stayman Redfield ® Red Braeburn Red Jonaprince Auvil Early Fuji ® Oregon Spur ® II Scarlet Spur Gale Gala ® F A C E S O F T H E F U T U R E

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