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6 APRIL 1, 2016 Good Fruit Grower T here's little mystery to irrigating. Getting the right amount of water to a tree at the right time may be complicated, but it's certainly not a guessing game, said Tim Smith, long- time Washington State University Extension specialist from Wenatchee, Washington. "The rules of irrigation are physics. It's math," Smith told growers at the North Central Washington Apple Day conference in late January at the Wenatchee Convention Center. Throughout his 30-plus years of grower outreach and education, Smith has recommended a set of intricate but standardized rubrics for growers to determine how much water their trees need, taking into account a host of factors, such as number of sprinklers, calendar date and soil type. All of these points are knowable and can be plugged into an equation to give a grower a good irriga- tion recommendation. "It's complicated, but it's important," he said. Smith, who is semi-retired, and Tianna DuPont, the Watering by the numbeRs Water Management Extension specialists take the mystery out of irrigating. by Ross Courtney Diamond K Gypsum Take the guesswork out of fertigation application with the revolutionary Diamond K Applicator. is patented applicator blends water and Diamond K's quality products into a solution for distribution by your irrigation system. ere is an applicator size to t every need. Please contact Heath Tankersley Paci c Northwest Sales Rep at 208-995-6459 with product questions and for your nearest Diamond K Gypsum Dealer For More Product Details Visit Our Website: Increase crop yield and improved quality. . . Diamond K Gypsum can provide the right products to succeed! Increase crop yield and improved quality. . . Diamond K Gypsum can provide the right products to succeed! • Premium 97 Solution Grade Gypsum Improves soil structure and drainage through pro le (Spreadable Gypsum Available) • Ultra Fines Sulfate of Potash 0-0-50 Helps increase sugar content, enhances color and appearance, for a more evenly ripened crop • KMS 0-0-22 22% K 2 0 11% Mg 22% S Helps balance soil fertility. • Aquadrive Loosens soil surface tension, driving your water to root areas where it belongs Fertigation Solutions for the Orchard and Vineyard Ultraperf has been selling cherry liners to packers & growers in British Columbia and the Northwest U.S. since 2009. Ultraperf MA liners are designed to provide ideal levels of O 2 and CO 2 , which helps to maintain full fruit color, glossy skins, green stems, fl avor, and optimal product life. Sizes: 2.5kg, 5kg, 10kg and Euro Liners T (450) 359-0470 ● F (450) 359-4128 ● E-mail UltraperfTechnologies, Inc. ● 650 Rue Lucien-Beaudin #10 ● Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC ● J2X 5M3 MADE IN CANADA