Water Well Journal

May 2016

Water Well Journal

Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/668983

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Page 21 of 77

This has enabled large expansions of farming operations with little to no in- crease in the amount of water used. Wide-scale implementation of system automation also has improved usage by running water at night for minimal losses through evaporation. Preston: Remote monitoring products have become a trend, enabling water personnel to view the current pressure and flow of the pump station directly from control system. This ensures the ability to remotely monitor system pressure and prevent wasted energy or water. WWJ: Lastly, what changes or improvements do you see in the future for irrigation equipment? Mackin: There's probably a better way to disperse water, so I can see some advancement there. If you have a pivot above ground, it's dropping water 10 feet. While it's not much, you have evaporation. So things that deliver the same amount of water, but get more water into the crop and into the ground, will be developed. That and making everything more efficient. Preston: I predict communications between systems will only improve, especially in the field of water reuse. The demand for water reuse is grow- ing as more companies seek ways to streamline operations and enhance sustainability. Additionally, systems will become more strategic in their ability to predict rainfall and future droughts. This will better overcome challenges created by water scarcity. Downey: Technology will always get better, of course. I think it will be more widespread and the people who don't feel the need to allocate money to it now will see that's what they need to do. Our water supply is getting tight and concentrated in some areas, but we still have to grow the food. People are still eating and the world's not getting any smaller. WWJ Workshop on Soils, Irrigation, and Groundwater Management Planned for 2016 Groundwater Week "Soils, Irrigation, and Groundwater Management" is a workshop scheduled for Groundwater Week this December in Las Vegas. Jointly developed by the National Ground Water Association, the Irrigation Association, and the Soil Science Society of America, it focuses on topics relating to these three areas. Topics include agricultural management and drainage, nutrient management, estimation of evapotranspiration, water metering and water-use estimation, vulnerability of groundwater to contamina- tion, remote sensing applications, and use of geospatial data from the U.S. Geological Survey, NASA, and other agencies. Groundwater Week is December 6-8. Look for more information on it and this workshop later in WWJ and at www.GroundwaterWeek.com. Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ U D S V $ ³ P P R F H E H Z Y L G Q L D O O D W QW G Q D V H X O D 9 H U R & U X R I R W U V U H P R W V X F U X R R W W QW H P W L O O D U R I W F H S V H U Q L H Y H L O H Q L \ W L U J H W QW L G Q D \ W V H Q R K V O D X G L U X R G Q D V V H Q L V X E I R V W F H S V D K W J Q L W H H P R W Q R L W R Y H G V X R X Q L W QW ´ V U H P Q H , D I N E · N E R U B N A V H T U O S 5 1 2 2 & 1 , 2 & ) ( * H L U W V X G Q , F H W V $ Q D 3 2 . 0 8 5 E N O H P · 3 0 7 3 7 A S U , A M O H A L K O \ Q D S P R & V H ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǣ Ͳ ͺ ͷ ȋ ͳ Ϊ ǣ ϔ ϔ Ͷ ͵ ʹ Ȍ Ͳ ͺ ͷ ȋ ͳ Ϊ - ͳ Ͷ 1 4 1 4 . 4 3 P R F R F I H J # V H O D V W Q L ā P R F R F I H J # V H O D V P R G ā · P R F R F I H J Z Z Z ǡ Ǥ ǡ ͹ ͹ ͻ Ȍ - ͸ ͻ ʹ ͵ ͳ Ͷ ͳ X Q L W QW R F V U H P R W V X F U X R I R V G H H Q - W QW H G L V H U 3 Q R P U D + Q R U D $ IRRIGATION from page 17 Jennifer Strawn was the associate editor of Water Well Journal from 2004 to 2007. She is currently in the internal communications department at Nationwide in Columbus, Ohio. She can be reached at strawnj2@gmail.com. waterwelljournal.com 18 May 2016 WWJ

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