
May 2012

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live in style The silver lining Neutral tones go from classic to classy when accessorized with silver and gold. Working Wonders Shimmering hues and sophisticated textures add a touch of chic to workday attire If anyone knows the importance of merging professional attire with style and comfort, it's Bonnie Dixon. A real estate agent with Stark Company Realtors, she ups the ante on a neutral-toned ensemble with well-tailored layers and spar- kling accessories for a look that keeps her polished and comfortable on the go. Blazer by Cartise, $357, blouse by Bailey 44, $183, Milo pant by Equestrian, $152, amethyst earring by Mia, $42; Chauette, 7466 Hubbard Ave., Middleton; (608) 836-5366. Cirque heel by Corso Como, $159; Shoo, 109 State St., Madi- son; (608) 467-6325. Chain bracelet, $24; Boston Store locations, Madison. Hair and makeup by Erin Weix of Be Inspired Salon, 425 S. Yellowstone Dr., Madison; (608) 271-2771. A bold boost A unique texture and metallic sheen helps an ordinary blazer stand out from the crowd, while a neutral hue keeps it from being too bold. 4 3 Animal instincts: A roomy tote with a touch of animal print makes a simple statement while carrying your laptop, notebooks and more. By Victor Alfaro, $119; Boston Store locations, Madison. Timeless style: A chunky gold-and-white watch makes for a modern take on a standard acces- sory. By Anne Klein, $65; Boston Store locations, Madison. In the details Part pump, part sandal, this unique hybrid gives your standard summer sandal a professional boost. 18 BRAVA Magazine May 2012 Go wild: If you're texture-shy, add just a hint of a bold print with eye-catching wedges. Open Fish wedge by All Black, $179; Shoo, 109 State St., Madison; (608) 467-6325. » » » Photos by Shanna Wolf

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