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20 JUNE 2016 Good Fruit Grower I ncreasing interest in hard ciders and a critical shortage of some varieties of cider apples in the U.S., particularly for bittersweet and bittersharp varieties, could provide apple growers a new market. There is huge demand for high-tannin cider varieties used in hard cider. One of the reasons for the shortage is the huge boom in demand for hard cider — increases of 78 percent, 63 percent and 49 percent from 2012 through 2014 — before demand fell to just a 10.8 percent increase in 2015. In addition, only a few of the new cideries founded to serve that demand have expertise in growing apples or own productive orchards. Steve Wood, co-owner with his wife Louise of Poverty Lane Orchards and Farnum Hill Ciders in Lebanon, New Hampshire, said he gets $24 per bushel f.o.b. from his loading dock for his cider apples. "We have a profitable market selling apples to other cider makers," he said. Ian Merwin, a retired Cornell University horticul- ture professor turned grower and cider maker, agreed. "People are getting $400 per 20-bushel bin, if you have the right varieties," said the Trumansburg, New York, New Varieties Bittersweet, bittersharp varieties could be boon to growers. by Dave Weinstock Cider apple shortage Banning Red Fuji appears to be 7 to 10 days earlier than other late Fujis! Now Accepting Contracts for Spring 2017 and 2018! We have over 50 years of experience in the nursery business and are now taking growing contracts for: Ultima™ Gala, Banning Red Fuji, Honeycrisp,™ Granny Smith, and many others. Taking orders for benchgrafts. 4000 Grant Road, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 509-884-7041 OFFICE FRUITCO MARKETING LLC FRUITCO MARKETING LLC Avian Control® is Distributed in Washington State by Call Us Today . . . 509-952-4053 Birds nesting in your orchard, eating your crops, and ying o with your prots? Fight back with Avian Control®! Avian Control® uses an eective, proven, and non-lethal bird repellent ingredient that provides long-lasting bird repellency. The active ingredient, Methyl Anthranilate(MA), irritates the pain receptors associated with birds' sense of taste and smell. Birds nd this compound unpleasant and leave areas and crops treated with it. The unpleasant eect is temporary and does not harm the birds. Avian Control® is registered with the US EPA for use on the following crops: cherries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, apples, and stone fruit (apricots, peaches, plums). Pre-Order Now Pre-Order Now