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32 JUNE 2016 Good Fruit Grower W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e University's attempt to rebrand the new variety WA 2 may leave the industry with two names for the same apple, as the univer- sity continues to negotiate with a packing company that developed its own name and logo a year ago. The university wants to call the apple Sunrise Magic, while a Yakima, Washington, packer has already labeled it Crimson Delight. While breeders are pleased their apple — released nameless in 2011 — will get a new push, the two marketing efforts are causing confusion in the industry. "If you wanted a blueprint for bungling a new product introduction, that was it," said Desmond O'Rourke, a fruit industry analyst from Pullman, Washington, who is not involved with either trademark. In February, the university and a contracted variety management firm announced they had trademarked the brand Sunrise Magic for WA 2, adopting a logo that features a red apple with a golden gleam rising as if a sun over the name in lowercase script. However, packer Apple King last year trademarked the name Crimson Delight with its own logo, packed 500 bins during the 2015- 2016 season and is now trying to expand. The two sides are negotiating about what happens next. New dawn for WA 2 WSU's Sunrise Magic relaunch may conflict with Crimson Delight. by Ross Courtney TJ Mullinax/Good FruiT Grower CourTesy ProPrieTary VarieTy ManaGeMenT CourTesy aPPle KinG Washington State University first released the WA 2 apple as a nameless variety, at top. WSU is now behind an effort to rebrand the apple as Sunrise Magic, as seen in the promotional packaging near right, even though packer Apple King is selling the WA 2 under the name Crimson Delight, far right. The two sides are in negotiations over what to do next. "It was a mistake to offer new product to the marketing professionals prior to understanding the variety. A very severe learning experience." —Tom Auvil New Varieties