Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/692787
Water Quality and Treatment BSPs from NGWA Help with Well Rehabilitation A variety of industry "best suggested practices" for issues with water quality and treatment are available from NGWA, including: • Reducing Problematic Concentrations of Arsenic in Residential Water Well Systems • Reducing Problematic Concentrations of Boron in Residential Water Well Systems • Reducing Problematic Concentrations of Fluoride in Residential Water Well Systems • Reducing Problematic Concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide in Residential Water Well Systems • Reducing Problematic Concentrations of Iron and Manganese in Residential Water Well Systems • Reducing Problematic Concentrations of Nitrates in Residential Water Well Systems NGWA's BSPs are designed to aid groundwater profession- als at industry job sites. They are not standards, but practices that have been demonstrated to show superior results. BSPs are prepared by a consensus of groundwater professionals from around the country. NGWA members can download all BSPs for free as a member benefit under the "Member exclusives" section at www.NGWA.org. Nonmembers can purchase the BSPs. Diversify Your Professional Experience, Become a CVCLD The Certified Vertical Closed Loop Driller (CVCLD) designation is available from NGWA as advances in ground source heat pump technology have emphasized the need for a voluntary certification designa- tion for ground source heat pump drillers. This designation reflects an individual who has proven knowledge, skills, and experience in the construction of a closed loop well system for ground source heat pump applications. By becoming a CVCLD, you will increase your company's marketability over your competition. Exams for the CVCLD designation can be scheduled by calling PSI LaserGrade at (800) 211-2754. If outside the United States, call (360) 896-9111. The 75-question exam covers the skills and competencies reflected on the Geothermal Vertical Closed Loop Drilling Operations DACUM. For more information, click on "Certifications and exams" under the Professional Resources tab at www.NGWA.org. CSP Designation Shows Commitment to Professionalism and Customer Service The Certified Sales Professional (CSP) designation is part of NGWA's Voluntary Certification Program—specifically intended for suppliers and manufacturers. Earning the CSP designation is a remarkable way to demonstrate your commit- The LOG Blistering speed. 70% less mess. Unique capabilities not found anywhere else. Picture a sonic drill in your future! SONIC DRILL CORPORATION Suite 190#120, 119 N. Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225 1-604-588-6081 www.sonic-drill.com Award-Winning Patented Technology Award-Winning Patented Technology national ground water association CERTIFIED ABILITY EXPERIENCE KNOWLEDGE CVCLD-2016 waterwelljournal.com 16 July 2016 WWJ