The Groundwater
Discover how the knowledge of oxidation reactions in groundwater can be
a useful guide in selecting materials for the construction of water wells and
corrosion protection systems during this hour-long online presentation given
by Roger Miller, technical consultant for Water Systems Engineering Inc.
The Oxidation Reaction —
Friend or Foe to the
Groundwater Industry
Reserve your connection today!
Pumping Test Design and Aquifer Analysis
(short course). Westerville, Ohio. (800) 551-7379,
fax (614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org, www.NGWA.org
The Oxidation Reaction—Friend or Foe to the
Groundwater Industry (webinar). (800) 551-7379,
fax (614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org, www.NGWA.org
This webinar is by Water Well Journal author Roger Miller and
provides further insight on his article on oxidation in the July
issue of WWJ.
World Water Week
The Water Expo 2016—5th Edition Miami,
Florida. www.thewaterexpo.com
Protect Your Groundwater Day (800) 551-7379,
fax (614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org,
Drilling Fundamentals for Hydrogeologists (short
course). Portland, Oregon. (800) 551-7379, fax
(614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org, www.NGWA.org
Connecting the Dots . . . Groundwater, Surface
Water, and Climate Connections Portland, Oregon.
(800) 551-7379, fax (614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org,
Fluid Mixing (webinar). (800) 551-7379,
fax (614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org,
This webinar is by Water Well Journal columnist Ron Peterson
and will provide further insight to a column on drilling fluid mix-
ing he will author in the September issue of WWJ.
Aries Grout Boot Camp Lithia Springs, Georgia.
(800) 327-4346, www.ariesindustries.com
Fracture Trace and Lineament Analysis: Application
to Groundwater Characterization and Protection
(short course). State College, Pennsylvania. (800) 551-7379, fax
(614) 898-7786, customerservice@ngwa.org, www.NGWA.org
Earth Science Week
Oregon Ground Water Association Fall Convention
Redmond, Oregon. (503) 390-7080, fax (503)
390-7088, nancy@ogwa.org
South Carolina Ground Water Association
Golf Tournament and Fall Meeting Beach Blast
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (803) 356-6809
Indiana Ground Water Association Biennial
Convention with Trade Show and
Education Event Michigan City, Indiana.
*Dates BOXED in red are National Ground Water Association events.
August 31–September 1
August 28–September 2
August 8–9
August 8–9
September 14
September 6
September 7
September 8–9
September 14–15
October 14–15
October 21–22
November 3–4
October 9–16
October 3–6
68 July 2016 WWJ