Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/692787
Editor's NOTE T he timing of one of my first big projects at Water Well Journal was perfect for someone green to the ground- water industry like me. In the summer of 2000 I was told to pound through old issues looking for articles and images highlighting drilling methods because we were putting together a two-part series on the last 100 years of drilling. Suddenly I was face-to-face with dusty magazines dating back to the 1940s, scanning them for articles, images, and advertisements on drilling technology. But it wasn't just a fact-finding mission; it was my history lesson. And as I went through issue after issue and decade after decade, it became a lesson not just on water well drilling, but on Water Well Journal. Throughout all of the in- dustry breakthroughs, key developments, and major stories, WWJ was always there. The good, the bad, the concerns, and even the fun, WWJ was there. As a publishing professional, it was pretty awesome to see—and equally awesome to realize I was now a part of that legacy. This year marks the 70th year WWJ has been there and we're celebrating the birthday on page 28. There, you'll find articles, images, and a timeline highlighting just some of the key moments in the journal. It was nearly impossible to narrow down the highlights. It sure was fun compil- ing, though. It gave me the opportunity to pull out those old issues and get lost in the rich history once again. People tell me I've been at my job a long time and my name has been in WWJ for 16 years now. But for some perspective, that's just 23% of WWJ's life. I'm in my 12th year as editor, but that means I've overseen only 17% of WWJ's issues—a pebble dropped in a pond of publications, really. Many of you have grown up with WWJ. Some of you have probably never expe- rienced life when the journal wasn't arriving each month in the mailbox at your home or office. Thank you for that; you're why we do what we do. You provide a life-sustaining resource to people. Our goal is to help you do it better, do it in a way that grows your business, and do it safely so you are able to return home to your family each night. That goal was there in year one and has remained for seven decades. I know because I've looked through the issues. I hope you enjoy celebrating our birthday with us! Thad Plumley is the editor of WWJ and director of information products at the National Ground Water Association. He can be reached at tplumley@ngwa.org and on Twitter @WaterWellJournl. A LEGACY OF BEING THERE The Water Well Journal (ISSN #0043-1443) is published monthly by the National Ground Water Association, 601 Dempsey Rd., Westerville, OH 43081. Printed and mailed at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, and additional mailing offices. Postal acceptance: Periodical (requester subscription circulation) postage paid at Westerville, Ohio, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Water Well Journal, 601 Dempsey Rd., Westerville, OH 43081. Canada Post/ Publications Mail Agreement #40739533. Return address: 4960-2 Walker Rd., Windsor, ON N9A 6J3. Advancing the expertise of groundwater professionals and furthering groundwater awareness. Chief Executive Officer Kevin McCray, CAE kmccray@ngwa.org NGWA President Jeffrey Williams, MGWC, CVCLD Director of Information Products/Editor Thad Plumley tplumley@ngwa.org Water Well Journal Editorial Review Board Art Becker, MGWC, CPG; Tom Christopherson; Dan Milan; Roger Renner, MGWC; John Schnieders, Ph.D., and Robert Sterrett, Ph.D. Senior Editor Mike Price mprice@ngwa.org Copy Editor Wayne Beatty wbeatty@ngwa.org Production and Design Janelle McClary jmcclary@ngwa.org Advertising Brooke Smith Kelli Nilsson Matthew Thomasson Mario Reyes To inquire, contact sales@ngwa.org Circulation Coordinator Mark Jones mjones@ngwa.org Contributing Writers Mike Allen; Ed Butts, PE, CPI; Donald W. Gregory; William J. Lynott; Julie Hansen; Ronald B. Peterson; Al Rickard, CAE; Michael J. Schnieders, PG, PH-GW; Gary Shawver, MGWC; Ron Slee; Lana Straub; Raymond L. Straub Jr., PG; Jennifer Strawn; and Alexandra Walsh Editorial, Advertising, & Publishing Offices 601 Dempsey Rd., Westerville, OH 43081 (800) 551-7379 Fax: (614) 898-7786 Selected content from Water Well Journal is indexed on Ground Water On-Line™ at www.NGWA.org/gwonline © Copyright 2016 by the National Ground Water Association. All rights reserved. The Groundwater NGWA Association waterwelljournal.com 6 July 2016 WWJ