Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/692787
Featured PRODUCTS Solinst Provides Reliable Standpipe Piezometers Reliable Solinst Model 601 Stand- pipe Piezometers are designed for placement within a drilled hole to pro- vide a filtered inlet point. They are also suitable for pushing into very loose sands at the base of a borehole, stream, or tailings pond sediments. With a pre-formed Vyon tube set in- side a perforated PVC piezometer tip, they are excellent for metals sampling and well suited for water level moni- toring, permeability measurements, construction control, de-watering drainage operations, and slope stability investigations. The Model 601 tips connect to the surface with ¾-inch ID PVC riser pipe using slip-fit couplings. Piezometer tip lengths available measure 6 inches, 1 feet, 2 feet, and 3 feet. www.solinst.com Heron Instruments' Dipper-T Water Level Meter Has Adapt- able Uses The Heron Instruments' dipper-T water level meter can be conveniently converted to a multi-functional instrument, not only able to measure static and falling head levels but also to deter- mine the length of steel casing and well depth. The water level sensing probe can be easily removed at the link connec- tion and substituted with either the op- tional Well Casing Indicator Probe or Well Depth Indicator Probe. The four- function capability of the dipper-T water level meter makes this unit an asset during the construction of new wells, maintaining wells, or decommis- sioning abandoned wells. www.heroninstruments.com AirBurst Offers Innovative Well Rehabilitation, Development AirBurst is a patented process that uses the patented Bolt Technology air gun to stimu- late selected water-producing zones within a water well by creating benefi- cial vibrations and surging actions. A small volume of air and inert gas is stored within the air gun and when explosively released, generates a seismic shock wave and high velocity movement of the water surrounding the air gun. This energy release removes encrusted scales, bio-mass, and sedimentation from the wellbore, screen, and geological formations. AirBurst energy is infinitely ad- justable without removing the air gun from the well. Multiple bursts, several seconds apart, will develop every inch of the well structure. www.airbursttech.com Eno Scientific Flow Meter Expands GPM Capability Eno Scientific has expanded its flow capability ranges to cover from less than 1 GPM to 1100 GPM. Simultaneously measure/data log well water levels by combining it with the non-contact Well Sounder 2010 PRO water level indicator. One simple to set up system to meet level/flow drawdown requirements, providing all the information needed regardless of where the well is located. www.enoscientific.com waterwelljournal.com 70 July 2016 WWJ 1-800-831-6962 O www.merrillmfg.com Pressure Switch and Control Box into ONE (1/2 HP Thru 1-1/2 HP - 3 Wire Pumps) Multi-Size Wire Connector MWCO4124 Kit Control Switch Control Switch Save Time Save Money Splice Heavy Wire to Pump Cable (#4 or #6) to (#10 or #12)