Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/692787
Siting a well can give you a lot of satisfaction that you are really helping the landowner to have their home be functional while eliminating headaches for them later on. Gary Shawver, MGWC, in "Siting Private Wells Can Bring Job Satisfaction", page 38 The aspects of biofilm that make it advantageous for bacteria are extremely detrimental to well systems. As the biofilm matrix grows, it can physically restrict flow paths and decreases production . Eric Dunderstadt, in "The Mysterious "Bac-T" Test", page 18 July PUNCH LIST The August issue of Water Well Journal focuses on water conservation and green technology. Look for a feature article focusing on injection well procedures. I truly enjoyed working in the groundwater industry. I have since learned it's rare to encounter such genuine, friendly, and hardworking people on a daily basis." Jill Ross, in " WWJ Turns 70", page 28 Our knowledge and understanding of oxidation in groundwater can guide us in decisions such as design parameters, material selection and operational controls. Roger Miller, in "The Oxidation Reaction", page 25 While the policies outlined in your employee handbook will reflect your company's own unique culture , it is important to consider federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Alexandra Walsh, in "Creating an Employee Handbook", page 52 About 90% of our freshwater supplies lie underground, but less than 27% of the water Americans use comes from underground sources , which illustrates the underutilization of groundwater. U.S. Geological Survey in Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2005. waterwelljournal.com 84 July 2016 WWJ