Water Well Journal
Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/692787
In this ISSUE T he July issue of Water Well Journal focuses on well rehabilitation and also takes time to celebrate its 70th year of providing content to the groundwater industry. The birthday celebration is on page 28 in the article titled "WWJ Turns 70." WWJ Editor Thad Plumley authored the piece that reconstructs how the journal has been there covering the innovations, news stories, and people of the groundwater industry for seven decades. Accompanying the article is a timeline listing some of the milestones the journal has had during its 70 years as well as images from past issues. There is also a sidebar article by National Ground Water Association CEO Kevin McCray, CAE, in which he reflects on his time working for WWJ. Also, make sure to read the Editor's Note where Plumley talks about his 16 years with WWJ. "A Legacy of Being There" is on page 6. Speaking of birthdays, freelance writer Jennifer Strawn authors a piece on pump producer Flint & Walling Inc. celebrating a major milestone in "Happy Birthday, Flint & Walling Inc." on page 34. The Midwest firm is celebrating its 150th year in business. Strawn looks back at the company's history which began with the company churning out wooden hand pumps in Kendallville, Indiana, where it still resides today as the town's oldest and largest employer. The article highlights the company's history, products, innova- tions, and people, many of whom have worked at Flint & Walling for decades and are third- and fourth-generation employees. A pair of feature articles focus on well rehabilitation. Author Eric Dunderstandt explains in detail methods for monitoring coliforms in the "The Mysterious "Bac- T" Test" on page 18. Dunderstandt points out analytical methods used for monitoring coliforms, com- monly known as "Bac-T" tests, have jumped to the forefront of bacterial testing in the water industry since the implementation of the original total coliform rule in 1989. He adds, however, there are misconceptions regarding the interpretations of Bac-T testing, which has led to a state of confusion with suppliers, regulators, and consumers alike. He attempts to answer those misconceptions by explaining why it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the microorganisms, understanding the testing meth- ods so you can know which will best evaluate the biological activity in the water system, and the need to evaluate other groups of bacteria beyond coliform. Author Roger Miller covers oxidation in groundwater in the feature article "The Oxidation Reaction" on page 25. He contrasts how in the groundwater world it can be beneficial at times and detrimental on occasions as well. Miller examines both in detail. He explains how the oxidation reaction is a friend with the process of disinfection. He also adds how oxidation is a foe to the industry in the degrading of well systems through corrosion, the accumulation of iron oxides in well fouling, the potential encrusting of biofilm from excess oxidation, and the potential formation of disinfection byproducts. The latest installment of the Drawing from the Well column by Gary Shawver, MGWC, talks about what he calls one of the most enjoyable parts of being a groundwater professional. In "Siting Private Wells Can Bring Job Satisfaction" on page 38, Shawver goes over the things he would consider and the questions he would ask the property owner which could impact the water system. He recounts how looking at things like future additions to the home or what di- rection snow removal is shoveled left the owner with the impression he cared about their project and wanted to ensure they had few problems later. This in turn created happy customers, a great marketing tool for the company. Disclaimer Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association provide information for guid- ance and information purposes only. This publi- cation is not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice. The information contained herein has been compiled from sources deemed reliable and it is accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief; however, Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association cannot guarantee as to its accuracy, completeness, and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed. Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association do not accept any liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused in reliance upon such information. Reader agrees to assume all risk resulting from the application of any of the information provided by Water Well Journal and the National Ground Water Association. Trademarks and copyrights mentioned within Water Well Journal are the ownership of their respective companies. The names of products and services presented are used only in an edu- cational fashion and to the benefit of the trade- mark and copyright owner, with no intention of infringing on trademarks or copyrights. No endorsement of any third-party products or services is expressed or implied by any infor- mation, material, or content referred to in the Water Well Journal. Subscriptions/Back Issues For questions, changes or problems with your subscription call Carol Clark. Subscriptions: Water well contractors and other qualified groundwater industry personnel in U.S. and Canada — free; others in U.S. and Canada — $115 per year; $15 per copy. International: $150 per year; $35 per copy. Subscriptions available through NGWA offices only. We re- serve the right to refuse subscriptions to any- one not directly engaged in the groundwater industry. Claims for missing issues must be made in writing within three months of publi- cation and will be subject to the availability of back issues. Advertising Disclaimer Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content (including text, repre- sentation, and illustrations) of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the pub- lisher. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that it believes is not in keeping with the publication's standards or is deemed unsuitable or misleading. Jennifer Strawn waterwelljournal.com 8 July 2016 WWJ